A bear in his natural habitat...

Mar 23, 2009 13:57

A Studebaker.

I have no fantastical post for y'all, except that your friend and mine, lisamantchev , has decided that my use of the word "awesomeosity" in a sentence now makes it a Real Word. Kind of like The Velveteen Rabbit, or The Velveeta Rabbit, but with less rheumatic fever and/or severe insanity-causing food poisoning. ("I'm a chicken! I'm a chicken!") (Bwahahahahahaha! Hoo! Still makes my sides hurt. Love that story.)

And so it is in fact now a Real Word, and none of the other words can make fun of it. Or maybe they will, and someday, some Word Fairy will appear unto it after it's been overused and mocked by teh internets, and has become grubby and had its shiny rubbed off and lost a vowel or two, and thrown out for not comforming to general grammatical standards. The Word Fairy will tell it that the painful transition into becoming Real has begun, and the Oxford English Dictionary is considering it for inclusion. Will it get its vowels back and be a pretty, full-of-life and verve, accepted Real Word? And will I, years hence, come upon it and say "Hey, that looks like my favorite old word that I used to use, back when teh internets were so teenaged and angsty and we all felt the need to noun verbs and adverb adjectives and create general word nonsense."

I guess we'll just have to see.

silliness, stuff, links, fun

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