Dec 03, 2007 13:13
It's pouring out. It has been since Saturday. I took Mingus out for a walk just now, and came back soaked to the skin wherever I wasn't covered with plastic or canvas, or whatever my things are made out of. I have jeans in the tub that will have to go into the washer, but look like they already have been. I came home, stripped, put on warm fuzzies, brought the dog in and toweled him down as he made Chewbaca noises and ground his nose into his chair. I grabbed the sopping umbrella from the back patio, and took it down to the basement to dry off. Um. And found an unpleasant surprise.
Aack. Last year, the basement developed a leak whenever it would rain really hard. It was in one corner, and I figured it was because there are three spouts that drain from the roof over there, and I kept meaning to do something about it, but you know how life goes. Whenever it was dry, I wouldn't think about it. I meant to redirect a couple of those spouts, cover the cement under the kitchen overhang in that corner of the house with plastic sheeting, something. But I never did. And it didn't seem to get any worse, and it was only a trickle along the floor, and, well, the things you live with can sometimes surprise you.
Now there appear to be leaks coming from all sides. The basement floor is a mass of little rivers, and I think I'm grateful that my friends and I cleared the bulk of the crap out of there earlier this year. But I still have boxes on the floor, things that are getting wet. And I'll have to think of something to do with them soon, if it doesn't stop raining. There also appear to be leaks coming from under the vapor barrier, and there's a mass of stuff on top of that. I'm afraid to check the plastic sheeting to see if it's burbling up from under. I think I'll have to call someone to come out and tell me what to do about this. But I haven't the slighest idea whom to call. Who does foundation work? And (heaven help me) how much is that going to cost? I really, really don't have the mental or emotional capacity to deal with any more crises, no matter what the flavor. And I certainly don't have the money. But I have to deal with it, because I am a grown up, more's the pity. So, um, does anyone know who it is you call for this kind of thing? I'm sure once it stops pouring things will dry up some, but once you have leaks in all corners, I'm pretty sure you need to do something about it.
house stuff,
plague of frogs,