Feb 10, 2012 18:03
I had a Ranty McRantypants Rant that I wanted to write up, generally about misogyny and the evils therein, and how much I despise the politicians who are trying to legislate what I do with my personal time and lady parts, but I haven't the energy right now. I might get back to that later. I mean, there are about six rants in there - misogyny in the publishing world, misogyny in politics, misogyny in religion, misogyny in fashion, misogyny in the way we socialize our children ... I have two or three others, but I'm getting exhausted just thinking about all the ways in which misogyny sucks. So I'll get back to it at another time, when I'm all up in arms about it again. Right now my message is: Quit being misogynistic, world. Just. Stop.
I realize that is inspecific and unlikely to in reality stop anyone. But considering the widespreadedness of anti-women stuff in general, I'd just like to put that out there as a For-Now message. As a woman, I think it is important that I get to use my voice, even when I'm not as specific as I'd like to be. This is my message, and it is mine: Misogyny is Bad.
OK, with that out of the way, I believe I will feel free to post up some other things later. With luck, they will be happy things that point out the happiness in life.
stop the insanity,
these boots are made for walkin,
in my head,
stupid people,
battle cry