VII: stuff I forgot yesterday.

Mar 01, 2012 13:47

Gods, I lost track of so many things I meant to do yesterday.

I'm bored, though.

Sometimes, at school, we played board games in the evening. There was quite a good one involving guild politics that I can't quite remember. Don't tell me I still can't

I would suggest a more active or involved game, but I might get shouted at shouldn't get up at the minute. Would anyone be interested in coming up here and introducing me to one of theirs? If... if they've got one.

[A message to all the guys under the age of 30. Sorry, Maxim, John, Smiley and co.]

I was thinking. Me and the boys used to go out into the city, get... uh, 'slaughtered', I think the term was, and occasionally play ridiculous jokes on the citizens.

So when these injuries get better... is anyone interested? [yes, he's enticing you all into being public schoolboy dickheads. :D]

[Private to Jane]

I am sorry, and... I know, I hate it when people presume things about what I should know, and I made a mistake in how I worded it.

I'd offer to buy you a drink or some coffee, but I can't really buy anything. Let me make you lunch or something like that. It won't be very good, but I think I've found something I can do.

[Private to Angelica]

Would you mind helping me with a few things today? I have to make something up to someone, and... well, I'm not sure what else to do.

[Private to Sveta]

I never thanked you for your help. It's nice to know the doctors here aren't quacks. Or at least one of them isn't.

[Private to Robb]

I was too busy arguing the finer points of assassination with you to thank you for your help. I do apologise.


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