
Dec 10, 2011 22:58

I did a FEW things to-day:
1. Baptismal preparation meeting
2. Confessions
3. Vigil Mass

It was exhausting. Tomorrow I have the 11am Mass (with baptism).

This weekend is traditionally called "Gaudete Sunday". This is because the Entrance Antiphon for the Mass begins "Rejoice in the Lord always! I say it again, rejoice!"

But, what with depression problems, I find that I can't rejoice. So that's what I talked about in my homily, pointing out that many people suffer from seasonal depression. I didn't have any answers. I just said what I was feeling.

I had a homiletics professor once who felt that we should never indicate that we have problems, that we should not put our shit on the people. It's BS. The people have a right to know that I'm human too and have problems and difficulties that I can't resolve.

People seemed appreciative of the honesty, anyway.

A few things I don't doubt:
- God
- My vocation as a priest
- That I have been called according to his purpose.

But I can't feel it. I think I am ready for St John of the Cross.
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