
Oct 25, 2007 01:39

I'm trying something new with this post. I've found that I can generally articulate my thoughts much more clearly when I have a tangible focus to work with, so I'm going to try theming each of my entries on a photo from now on. Hopefully, this doesn't end in total disaster. We'll see...

In the past, even up until this last year, the phrase "ups and downs" had very little meaning to me. During high school, I lived out each day on a rather routine basis, and though there were definitely many "up" days, I have to admit that there weren't many "down" days to compensate. Not so in college. Returning to my suite after seven straight hours of class on Monday, only to realize that I have four pages of Chinese homework and a physics problem set to finish, definitely constitutes a pretty rough day.

But I didn't write this entry to be an angsty schoolboy complaining about how hard college life is. On the contrary, I've realized that knowing what a bad day feels like only makes good days such as today seem that much more enjoyable. What makes today so good, you ask? I shall tell you!
  1. Midterms are officially over (for the next few weeks, anyway), and I've fared reasonably well on the ones I've gotten back. I definitely studied too hard for a few of them, but at least I'm learning how to properly allocate my time to each of my classes.
  2. Because I began my work as soon as I got out of class today, rather than taking a three hour nap like I normally do, I had so much free time to do anything I wanted. I spent a good portion of that time learning a couple new songs on the guitar, hence today's picture. More importantly, though, I managed to respark my interest in practicing and playing music, which is something that I thought I had left behind with my cello at home. Sometimes it's nice to have a nonverbal outlet for thoughts and feelings, especially since my writing abilities leave much to be desired. (But fear not, I'm taking a writing seminar next year.)
  3. Today was Lee-Shing's birthday! I realize that most of the people reading this have no idea who Leesh is, so let me explain. Lee-Shing is a senior here at Yale, and he's definitely one of the friendliest, coolest, most talented people ever. In fact, the day after we met, he practically wrote me an essay giving me advice on selecting courses and just college life in general. That's just the kind of guy he is. So, today, a whole bunch of us carried out a series of spontaneous and funny surprises for him, culminating in a giant pillow fight and cake party after his a capella rehearsal. It felt nice to give back to someone who obviously cares so much for everyone else around him. Good times.
  4. The roast duck noodle soup that I had at Ivy Noodle today (at about midnight, might I add) was mad delicious, for lack of a better phrase. Late-nighting is definitely one of my favorite new-found hobbies.
So there you go. I guess only a small portion of entry was actually about the photo, but I hope I've successfully conveyed why today was a happy day. Happiness is in short supply during midterm season, unfortunately, so I hope the rest of you are doing well.

Fin. Until the next time I'm too full to sleep.
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