I'm pondering a post. One in which I say everyone on my mind in regards to lj (and lj "friends"). I'm thinking of disabling comments for it, instead offering a poll through which people can respond.
There will also be an offering/request of defriending should my opinions directly contradict your own and/or upset you.
Did my dishes. Then made myself a real, proper meal! Virtually from scratch! :D I made some rice, then made a small stir fry of beef, beans, bok choy, red capsicum and nummy sauce/herb-type things. :P
Mind you, now I have more dishes to wash... *sigh*
But I also did a load of washing! :D Did my sheets. Yay for clean sheets! I plan to do another small load tomorrow or on the weekend. I didn't wash everything as I knew my towels would not be dry by the evening, hence when I moved them onto the clothes rack, I would not have room for all the items still damp...
Shopping tomorrow! Feeling rather tired. Not been sleeping well... I'm a tiny bit worried I'm coming down with something. But I'm hoping it's just the whole feeling-drained-before-my-cunt-starts-bleeding thing. *hehe* I'm so lame... I suspect, now, that it was my brain doing the smart thing of filling me with iron before I lose all the blood. Dinner was beef and more iron and more vit C! I love it when the instincts kick in. See, THIS is why my blood tests always come back with an abundance of Iron!!! (Ok, so there's only one blood test that showed this.. But still!)
So I'm grumpy, but shopping tomorrow... Unless
foxythang2000 is all sick. Silly girl has been doing SO much!!! I'm amused, however, that after our night out on Tuesday neither of us actually suffered much of a hang-over.
Oh! So I'm not even sure if I blogged about it, but I lost my hand-out notes. I was all, WOE! Well, I went to Lost Property. They were not there. So I went and got replacements from Alina (my lecturer). I'm kind of sad because I think I lost a whole lot of stuff that I wrote ON those sheets of paper... But at least I've got them now. I have no printer at home, so yay for not having to print out copies on my own $ at uni.
Also, to any new people who may have added me as a friend (without talking to me first), please let me know why you friended me, if you wish me to friend you back.
Poll My Real Life