How to Define What is Flame, and What is Opinion

Sep 25, 2009 19:05

Recently I’ve come across various flames, whether or not they are on FP or other sites, they are there. We’ve all seen them, and have all read them at one time or another. The bigger question is whether or not the flame is truly a flame, or opinion.

An example. Many who hear the word flame when describing a reviewer, will think: a personal attack on said story/author. Here is a simple example that in a way, can be defined as a flame (in my opinion): 'This story sucks.'

That is in a way an opinion, anyone can see that. But in what way does it define itself as a ‘flame’; well for one, it doesn’t have anything to back up on said comment. Yes, you stated it sucks, but in what way? How does it suck? Another thing is the fact that not only didn’t the reader say why they felt that way, but in no way was it constructive to the author. You stated it sucked, but in what way could it become more productive, and improve to make it better? And lastly, said reader didn’t act respectively. The word ‘suck’ in my opinion, isn’t right to use when describing why you don’t like the story. To me, that would be a flame because you’re not expanding why you felt it was that way, how the author could improve, and lastly, you were not respectable. You were in a way personally attacking the story/author.

Now, what about the opinions you come across where the reader states all three of the above, and the author still feels it is a ‘flame’? I recently came across one of those, where the author actually deleted said ‘flame’ and then put up an author note basically saying that they were right, the reader wrong, and then stated some very derogatory words. I myself, felt no respect for the author that did this, and I had read the supposed flame, and to me, felt it was just a person respectively, clearly and constructively stating their opinion. Shouldn’t we reviewers be allowed to state what we feel on said story/author in that way? Why would that automatically warrant as a flame, and then a personal attack publically by said author just because they felt bad about the comments?

Another thing that I see is that authors will say, constructive criticism is welcomed, but then will turn around and say, if you have nothing nice to say then don’t say it at all. Not all criticism is nice, or will be thought of as nice by the author. Everyone feels different emotions while reading their reviews, who’s to say that what you’re saying is something that will bother the author? Why should we, as reviewers, have to hold back in our opinion even if we do the three I mentioned above, to not get publically attacked and count as a flame? Aren’t we all allowed to state our opinion if we want to? What makes the difference between flame, and constructive opinion?

I’d like to hear a few thoughts on this if you can. Whether or not you agree that they’re the same or if they’re different. Or maybe, you’ve received a flame before, and or opinions by a  reviewer.

On a side note, I’m an author on FP, and in no way am I bashing on authors. I’m more ranting in how some handle their flames, or constructive criticism/opinions. Also, I’m new on fPdebate and would love some feedback on what I said.

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