A handy article I came across:
http://news.zdnet.co.uk/itmanagement/0,1000000308,39273376,00.htm?w Pretty much it covers the basic grammar mistakes; differentiating between the there, their and they're's, then and thans, etc,. Though obvious, there's a couple in which I didn't know, such as the difference between i.e. and e.g.
Anyway, I posted this because honestly, even though most of these mistakes are really minor, when I come across them in a fic it totally takes me out of it. And then if it keeps happening, I usually just quit the story.
So a couple of things:
- If there are egregious errors in the story you're reading, do you tend to keep going or quit right then and there? I usually quit, but sometimes I click to the last chapter to see if they've improved writing wise.
- The stories I stick with longer than others are usually the ones that have a really good summary and/or a really interesting premise. But if the story and writing end up falling flat, I'm out. ... This isn't really a question... haha.
- What kind of pet peeves do you have, grammar, cliches, bad characters, etc., that annoy you to the point where you just abandon the story?
Oh, and here's something totally off topic: a follow up to the whole plagiarism thing. So uh... with what seemed like a big chunk of people gone, did the gap in fp get filled? The people that quit- do they still follow these fp communities? Are they still writing? Is there still rampant stealing going on? I actually haven't been to fp in a long time so... what's going on guys? :D