Jun 03, 2016 18:10
...is one of intense contempt. Their arguments are false and specious, their fundamental idea is that 45 million English count for more than 450 million other Europeans, they charge others with using "scare tactics" while drawing up a fantasy world where the English are the wretched hostages dragged away in Hitler's chariot while he fills their houses with Turks. There is nothing whatsoever about them that even begins to be intellectually dignified or respectable. They are the local version of Trump, Grillo or Marine Le Pen.
I have no doubt that if they win the referendum, England will pay for it dearly. I have no doubt that they will manage to blame the evil conspiracy of Europeans when their idiotic notions catch up with them. I just hope that if it happens, and when, as is inevitable, they come begging to the EU to be left back in, the EU will have the self-respect to tell them to get lost.
british politics,
human folly