Nov 08, 2011 18:01
Reading the Telegraph blogs and the Mail's hilariously named "Right minds" page is an exercise in dissociation and unreality. Happily ignoring the well-known fact that over 70% of Greeks want to stay within the Euro, they call it a defence of democracy when a crumbling Greek politician announces a referendum on matters already agreed without even informing his own cabinet. That the said referendum would be an abuse of process; that you don't negotiate only to then turn around and tell those you negotiated with that you are going to vote about whether you will accept the results of said negotiation; that you ten times don't do that when it is the other parties who are putting in the money and you who are accepting it; and that you fifty times don't do that when they have already done you the enormous favour of forgiving half your debt; that is something they don't even begin to contemplate. Happily ignoring the moral and political bankruptcy of Silvio Berlusconi, they call it a defence of democracy when that putrid scoundrel places his own country at risk in order to eke out a few more days in the ministerial chair. Ignoring the fact that Angela Merkel has had to fight to keep the support of her Parliament, they call the ongoing struggle to defend European finance a GErman aggression. These people are mad in the clinical sense of the word.
The purely destructive attitude of English Europe-haters has never been in better evidence. They are slobbering at the thought of the Euro collapsing. That it would bring about a banking collapse worse than anything we have seen so far does not seem to impinge on their consciousness. That it would destroy London as a finance centre, since London depends on Europe, seems to pass them by. That it would deepen the already intolerable economic crisis seems to fill them with a perverted glee. That it would certainly not spare Britain, whose economy is sunken in unpayable debt, just goes unsaid, unmentioned, unthought of. The bitter, burning, implacable hatred for anything and everything to do with a united Europe is willing to contemplate the complete ruin of Western economies and do nothing except slobber with glee. And the most evident display of disassociation to the point of insanity is that they don't seem to realize that a return to 1960 conditions would be hugely uncomfortable and impractical for them. Having to get visas to travel to Europe - you would have to keep your hordes of drunken young men and women in Blackpool or Margate every year, instead of vomiting them annually on to Ibiza or Aiya Napa. You would have to negotiate tariffs and regulations in order to sell anything to the continent (there is a reason why the proportion of British exports to continental Europe has gone from 10% in 1960 to 60+% today). No more booze trips to Bruges or Calais. Soon you would begin to hear people start to ask why anyone ever thought it was a good idea for "us" to get out of Europe.
As I have long been saying, Britain ought to be kicked out of the EU. General de Gaulle had it right the first time, and even more profoundly than he knew. The relationship of Britain to the continent is neither rational nor wholesome. Two generations of putrid politicians and corrupt journalists have used the EU as a punching bag in order to draw attention away from their own poisonous incompetence, meddling, and PC. And now this lie has become so embedded in their brains as to make them literally incapable of perceiving their own immediate interests.