
Apr 18, 2007 01:07

I heard back from all the REU programs I applied to. I got accepted to two (both of the California ones) and was rejected from the other three (Michigan, Rochester, and Hong Kong). My plans are staying the same, though. Nine weeks at UCLA, here I come!

I registered for all of my classes for next semester. (Well, almost all. I'm considering throwing in a sixth class, but I'd have to wait and fill out one of those pink add/drop forms if I do end up taking the extra physics class.) So I am currently registered for five classes... which meet in a total of three classrooms. Both of the comp sci classes are in the same room, I am in a second room for both of my Monday/Wednesday/Friday classes, and my history class meets in the third room (thankfully - if it ALSO met in Morey 504, my brain would probably explode). If I add on that extra physics class, I'll have a class in the new building! That could be exciting.

As it turns out, not only do I have more final exams to take than Dearest Roommate, but I also have to write more final papers. What gives?
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