Oct 28, 2003 10:58
Back from D.C. now, but it was pimp as hell. Fine girls, cool people, helluva lot of fun. Now I come back to find Orme in its immortal state of solitary. All alone in the country with its own twisted social systems. I wish I could take a group of my closest friends away from Orme with me and we could experience everything that we've been missing out on so badly. Well, it will only be a little while longer... Might as well take advantage of my time here.
For all you people that use Live Journal as a gossip center and place for character assassination, grab your toes and take it. Atleast have the decency to put your damn name down, instead of bein' a pussy and hiding behind an anonymous name-tag. You think you're solving something by writing about how someone isn't exactly who you want them to be? Keep their names out of your mouth and you can keep it the same.
Do us all a favor: Stop bitchin' and shut the fuck up. 'Preciate it.