Nov 28, 2004 21:28
It's official..the holidays are here..because my Christmas tree is up and blinking. (also leaning a little but Im hoping nobody will notice) So I've had my new job for over 3 weeks now and I'm settling in..and gaining confidence in what I'm doing since I don't really know what I'm doing but I'm learning slowly and like I in it. This psychosocial rehabilitation thing is definitely my niche. It helps that I have the coolest boss in the world. She put a coffee mug full of jellie bellies in my desk chair last week with a card that said .."thanks for helping us through the audit madness and for all of your enthusiasm." cha ching I felt special and appreciated..and a little nausiated cuz I chowed down on some jellie bellies awww yeah. Tomorrow for the evening program I'm taking the group to the movies to see Polar Express. Did I mention I get paid for this? hehe HOOyeah baby.
My beautiful daughter Kamille is almost completely potty trained now. For awhile there she was the world's oldest living pants pooper. (yeah yeah she gets it from me mlm) She turned 3 October 17th and is growing up wayyyy too fast. Where in the hell is the pause button on those things? She did a really good job adjusting to the full time daycare thing. Fortunately she really likes Linda(the daycare lady) and doesn't mind going at all.
For the next few minutes you will be reading much mushiness..and it will probably make you sick cuz it almost makes me sick..proceed with caution...
Michael(professoranthrax) and I are having an incredible time together..and falling in love a little more every day. We spend the majority of our time doing 3 things a. laughing b. kissing or c. both and a little extra MmmmMmmm He is even more funny in person...which is crazy..cuz shit..that dude is FUN-KNEE. Being with Michael is kinda like...ahhhh now thassnicee. He spoils me absolutely rotten..and I don't mean with gifts..cuz let's face it we all know he's frugle(coughcheapcough) hehe ..but I mean with affection..attention..compliments...constant loving caresses...massages.. sweet words..and kisses..just a million little loving things. I'm not going to even remark on the umm..physical part of it all..cuz hell my mom could be reading this...but I will say this..GAWD DAYUM!*faint*fans self* is it getting hot in here? hehe Of course it helps that we spent YEARS talking about what turns each other on(in great detail)..before we actually got the opportunity to DO it.hehe Undoubtedly this man is out to steal my heart and keep it forever. So far so good he's doing a good job. I guess he didn't move 13 hours away for nothin eh? You know it's funny..I got all kinds of advice from people about internet relationships. Or maybe I should say..warnings..hehe It hasn't been one bit weird..or's flowed so naturally from the first day we met in person. Looking back now on's wierd to think I knew him for almost 2 years..before I ever laid eyes on him..and didn't do that until last July. We had grown so close..connected..bonded..our souls..our minds..all we could do was bond..and well over a year..yet had never even met each other in person. Doing it this way..made it so intense..and unbelievably magical that first day we met..face to face. We were already in love..already adored each other..already knew what made each other tick...THEN we met. God it was intense. All of those butterflies you get when you're on a first date..all of the sexual energy you have when you meet somebody new you feel immediately drawn to...touching somebody for the first time and being touched by them..that first kiss...the fire you feel during that first kiss...ALLLlll of these feelings were multiplied 1000 times in intensity because of the bond we had already developed..and the feelings that were already there from doing so on the internet. There are no words to describe what I felt that first day..what I still feel every day..being with the flesh. The trick to this internet relationship thing working out is...being honest. If you can be honest on here with somebody..and they're being honest with you..then you're in for a fantastic ride..and it can work out..and work out in the most amazing way. I wish everybody could experience this. I lucked out I guess...Michael is one of a kind..I knew it too..Im just glad he didn't give up on me when I was being a big stubborn chicken. Sometimes when things aren't going your just gotta get off your ass shake things up and DO it...change. In case I don't get on here anytime soon..Merry Christmas to you all..much love..Elise