Tesseract is finished! It's here in two parts - go watch it along with all the other stuff Lai and I have made:
http://www.youtube.com/user/5StringProductions And last night saw the second Twirls of the Unexpected, hosted by myself, presented and designed by Kitty Kane (who you can find here:
http://www.kittysdollsburlesque.com/). It was an amazing night once again, though I am never drinking before or during show ever again. I think the biggest round of applause came when I fell off the stage. Hilarious as it was, I have a sore ass. here, have some photos (which contain half naked ladies and me straddling members of the audience):
Wiggling my ass.
Playing with the pole.
Playing human croquet with pink flamingo garden ornaments. Of course.
Miss Von Trapp, cellist and borderline sorceress.
Mrs La Rue pulled a cake out of her vagina.
Horror Katie, the pirate pole dancer - she was amazing.
The ever stunning Kitty Kane - it's all her fault.
And a bit of back story to this (my favourite) photo. It went something like half way through the night, I said "My goddd, I'm tired. These heels are killing me - can someone lend me a seat? You, madam, your boyfriend will do. Come on, up on stage..."
He was delightful. So I sat upon him. The end!
Oh yes, work placement comes to an end in a few weeks. I'm seeing a woman about a youth work job tomorrow. If I get it, I get to leave the shop -hurrah! Italy in summer, with Lai. Then I think I might actually move to another country for a few years. And if I can do half of what I've been babbling on about and planning for the last six months, I know now that anything is possible. Also, I am 28 now! And nobody believes me, which is lovely.
The real end! x