Title: Delicate Pairing: Jack/James Rating: NC-17 Summary: James didn’t know why it mattered so much to him, the fact that he knew Shephard was lying. A/N: set shortly after uberaeryn’s "The Long Way Home".
Awww. No need, babe. I feel like all of the fics are collaborative, since you've been so gracious and generous about sharing your boys! I can't wait to see where you take them next.
The hotel room and the nightmare were brilliant ideas. And the dialogue simultaneous with the smut is so incredibly hot and sexy.
The whole story is just beautifully written, too, from the very first line. Full of all those little details that make it real, like when James catches Jack rubbing his cheek in the gym.
for some reason the word "cute" came to my mind after reading this, but.. that doesn't exactly seem like an appropriate reaction. haha. either way, though, this is wonderful (as always, der). :P
Comments 45
*revives, dies from the smut*
Seriously, your best J/J fic yet. SO. FUCKIN'. GOOD. Jack's nightmare was just so raw. Goosebumps.
I can take it
These lines (and about a dozen others) just made me melt:
James wonders how he’s gone this long without his touch. Without going insane.
He wonders how many other scars Jack’s hidden.
*tackles and snogs to death*
Awww. No need, babe. I feel like all of the fics are collaborative, since you've been so gracious and generous about sharing your boys! I can't wait to see where you take them next.
Thank you so much, babe! Glad I'm being somewhat consistent, LOL!
*skitters off to write a follow up*
And for the record? Yeah...am more your bitch with every fic. *nods*
The hotel room and the nightmare were brilliant ideas. And the dialogue simultaneous with the smut is so incredibly hot and sexy.
The whole story is just beautifully written, too, from the very first line. Full of all those little details that make it real, like when James catches Jack rubbing his cheek in the gym.
You should totally write in this verse...*runs away*
way too scared to even try it
DoitDoitDoit :D
Thanks, luv!
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