Title: Delicate Pairing: Jack/James Rating: NC-17 Summary: James didn’t know why it mattered so much to him, the fact that he knew Shephard was lying. A/N: set shortly after uberaeryn’s "The Long Way Home".
The hotel room and the nightmare were brilliant ideas. And the dialogue simultaneous with the smut is so incredibly hot and sexy.
The whole story is just beautifully written, too, from the very first line. Full of all those little details that make it real, like when James catches Jack rubbing his cheek in the gym.
I kind of have an idea for a Jack/James 'verse story. Can I run it by you? Should I run it by you? I don't have your email address though, so if you get a chance can you email me? eponine119 [at] att.net
WOOOO!!! OF COURSE I want to see it! :D But of course, you don't HAVE to run anything by me, babe, but it would make me veryvery happy indeed. Just send it to my livejournal account and it'll get to me!
The hotel room and the nightmare were brilliant ideas. And the dialogue simultaneous with the smut is so incredibly hot and sexy.
The whole story is just beautifully written, too, from the very first line. Full of all those little details that make it real, like when James catches Jack rubbing his cheek in the gym.
You should totally write in this verse...*runs away*
way too scared to even try it
DoitDoitDoit :D
I kind of have an idea for a Jack/James 'verse story. Can I run it by you? Should I run it by you? I don't have your email address though, so if you get a chance can you email me? eponine119 [at] att.net
bites fingernails
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