A Good Weekend

Mar 13, 2011 17:18

As I sit in my D&D session, I thought I should take some time to share a relatively good weekend I had.

Friday, I took off work just so I could drive up to Macomb, IL, to see and meet for the first time faegirlmara and target_zero, as well as attend their Homemade Gourmet Food party. Food was really good (especially that lemon cream cheesecake). After we ate, we engaged in board game goodness. A few of the ladies were playing Shadows Over Camelot while a few of the guys were playing Star Wars Trivial Pursuit (Original Special Edition Trilogy edition). I was kind of tanking in the beginning barely missing questions, but Warren of course kicked our tails because he's such a Star Wars master (though I did manage to stomp him twice). When half of the guests left, all of us ended up playing Shadows Over Camelot while watching Kung Pow (which we originally wanted to watch Monty Python's Flying Circus, but Warren couldn't find it at first). I did enjoy playing that one despite the learning curve it comes with (more of a learning curve than Collateral Damage: The Anime Board Game or Dominion). Who knows, I might even end up getting that game myself. They let me stay overnight so I didn't have to make another 3.25 hour drive back to St. Louis. Before we all went to bed, we all ended up watching Monty Python's Flying Circus (you know, the one Warren couldn't find earlier...yeah, ironically, I ended up finding it AFTER everyone left). We only got at least half way through the movie before we all were starting to fall asleep.

The next morning, Marianne had to leave early to go assist coaching a girls' basketball team for their church, so after she left, I stayed for a while longer talking with Warren and getting to know their animals more. Around 08:30 I left town. I wish I could have stayed longer and spent more time with the two of them, but what little time I did spend with them I well enjoyed. As I got back into town, I decided to go ahead and make a one day appearance at Kawa Kon (as much as I dislike that con). I caught up with a few of my con friends and bought snacks in the dealer's room (which was severely lacking when compared to other cons I've been to). The panels there were not all that interesting or good. In fact, the highlight of the night was, of course, the Masquerade. The masquerade was immediately followed by the musical guest of honor, a local young 13-year-old singer known as Yuka-Pon, who I swear to God sounds like many of those female singers you hear in Anime opening and closing theme songs, and is insanely way too cute for her own good! Don't believe me, go to her website and see for yourself (and be horrified as she sings the dreaded Caramelldansen). Well, most of the time I spent my time there in the game room watching people play stuff. Around 22:30, I left and headed for home. I needed to get to sleep. It was a long day.

All in all, a pretty good weekend. I needed this. I don't get many of these. Now to play D&D. Late.

amigos, cons, travel

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