Con/Weekend Report

Apr 25, 2010 19:23

First of all, I want to give a quick thanks to all that wished me a happy birthday. You guys are awesome always! Never forget that.

Okay, now on to business. This weekend was a really trying weekend for me, and one that had more downs than it did ups. However to be fair, those downs were not my fault. I'll get to that later. Anyway, Anime St. Louis 2K10 was an okay con this year. It wasn't spectacular like some of the previous years were, but it was overall okay.

I took off work intentionally so I can have Friday to be at the con a little early. I had another person going with me...he's the guy who runs the Anime meet-up I go to every other Friday, Jason. He's disabled and can't walk really well (he can walk but not well), so I offered him a ride to and from his place. Before I get ahead of myself, I was feeling really good that morning because I was finally getting my car back after not having her for three weeks. So I get her from the AMMCO and was well on my way to the con. I make the stop in Cahokia to get Jason and we made our way to Collinsville. I get there and check into my room, then get my badge and went off to enjoy the event. First was the opening ceremony where we were introduced to guests and what not. Guests this year included (and if you don't know any of these people, look them up and see what they've done): Richard Epcar, his wife Ellyn Stern, Troy Baker, Michael Lee "Mike" Reynolds, musical guest Tadahisa Yoshida, Ed Glaser, and last but certainly not least, Doug Walker (you know, the Nostalgia Critic).

Friday I didn't really do much...just walked around for the most part...went to the gaming room, the dealer's room (which was considerably smaller than the last time), took some photos...that sort of thing. The only panel I wanted to go to was Doug's ThatGuyWiththeGlasses Q&A panel which was late that night, which I got the chance to attend. After I got done with that, I took Jason back to his place since he didn't want to stay at the hotel with me (he barely had money to chip in to the room, and I even allowed him to stay there free of charge). This is where some of the downs come in. On my way back to Jason's place, I started hearing strange noises coming from underneath my car and I was feeling really strange vibrations underneath as well, then for some odd reason, my battery light popped on. I didn't know what I could do but I pressed on, got Jason back to his place and drove back to Collinsville, only I barely got back due to the electrical power in my car going completely dead. I managed to get it to the Walmart across the highway from the Gateway Center just before the power completely died on me. I bought a new battery for it and put it in, thinking that the old battery was completely dead (and with no way to fully find out seeing as it was so late at night). That worked, but it didn't solve the problem as we will see on the next day.

What can I say about Saturday? Man was this day such an awful day and it's usually the best day. Not this time, though. So I wake up in the morning feeling good because hey, it's Saturday...the best day of the con, right? So Jason calls me to come pick him up, and I head back down to Cahokia to get him. On the way there I heard more noises from under the car and more vibrations until something sounded like it just popped off of something down below. As soon as I reach Jason's place, my power completely died on me again, and the two of us were stranded. Jason then tells me of some autos shops two miles down the road, particularly Dobbs. So I get help in getting a tow truck to his place which got there faster than I thought it would. I get to Dobbs and was just fearing for the worst at that point. Luckily they were able to get it inside and looked at it. As it turns out, the belt that controls the alternator and (I think) the A/C was ripped in more than half. Why? Because both of those frames were completely bent and tearing into the belt as I progressed. They unbent it and put a new belt on it (and I ended up paying $160 because of that. That got me pissed. That told me that those bastards at AMMCO completely did a half-assed job at putting the internal of my car back together. So I was back on the road...for now. I went back and got Jason and then convinced him to stay in my room for Sunday so I wouldn't have to waste gas and make trips back and forth. So for the most part, I was not in a good mood on Saturday because after giving up that $160 it left me damn near broke not only for the con, but for the next two weeks (until my next paycheck)! Because of that, I missed out on the first half of the Masquerade which for some odd reason stared a lot earlier than usual. After walking around for an hour, I cooled off a little and went to the second half of the Masquerade which were the skits. There weren't a lot, but they were all still really good. But just as I was thinking things couldn't get any worse, it happened. An announcement came over the PA system saying that the tornado sirens were going off and instructed all of us to the center hall and then to the back halls of the building. We remained in there for about a good twenty or thirty minutes before the all-clear was given. This happened right at the fourth of fifth skit, so we were just getting started when we had to disperse. After the skits, I walked around some more, talked with people I haven't seen in over a year and then some, met some other friends that were there. Then at 21:00 I went to get in line to get an autograph from Doug. After that, I was too tired to do anything, even stay for the Tadahisa Yoshida concert which I heard was really great. The day was just too much for me, and I just had to pack it in.

Sunday is normally the wind-down day. I got up this morning around 09:00 and packed up my little bag and checked out my room. For the most part I just did walking around and watched The Cat Returns in one of the viewing rooms. Love that movie. When the movie was over, I ended up talking to one of the volunteers who was working the viewing room about the movie and its prequel and other movies that came out of Studio Ghibli. She was really cool and even took a picture of me (which reminds me I should have taken one of her on my camera but didn't). Stopped in one of the AStL halls where the Guest Free-For-All was taking place and then started chatting with Doug and some other people about movies and such. I mentioned it was my birthday and got a handshake from Doug and (get this) a free TGWTG DVD that he was selling the weekend as a birthday gift. How cool is that! I was totally not expecting that! BTW, if you have the chance to meet Doug in person, please do so. He's a great guy! The Guest FFA was really funny with the questions people were asking. Got a good few laughs out of that. Then came the closing ceremony, which of course means you have a chance to get free stuff! I didn't win anything, but I didn't care. The con was over and it was time to go home. I got Jason back to his place no problem, but as I was getting back myself, the Check Engine light on my car just suddenly popped on. That got me really concerned, and I was just praying to death that I made it home before anything really bad happened to the car. Luckily I made it back and now I'm sitting here in my room thinking what the hell did AMMCO do to my car the whole time it was there (a total of three and a half weeks).

So that's Anime St. Louis 2K10. Again, not the most spectacular, but was okay none the less. I'd still come back the next year and the next year. As for my future con schedule,'s looking like my trip to ACen has pretty much been canceled. With all that's been going on with my car this weekend, I just can't risk making that trip and having me being broke down somewhere out in the middle of nowhere. I literally got my car back in worse shape than when I first put it int he shop, but like I said, it's wasn't my fault. I do intend on getting answers from AMMCO about their services and then go and make a formal complaint about them elsewhere. Well maybe not the entire company, but that shop in general. They fucked up my car and they are going to pay for it, and I'm going to fight to get reimbursed that $160 that I shouldn't have to have paid. Phone calls on that start tomorrow. All and all, I'm hoping it doesn't come down to me being forced to purchase a brand new vehicle because I have neither the money nor credit to do so. I'll keep you updated on that. Until then, be seeing you. Pics up in a few days (for those that have me of Facebook, check in a few minutes).

One more maybe spark some jealously, here's me with Doug! HA!!!!!

anime st. louis, the violet vixen, bad situations

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