Cursed Computer!!!

Oct 26, 2006 20:32

I'm about ready to put this thing in the scrapheap right about now. But I've come to one last conclusion that I haven't thought of yet. I just realized something about Virtual Memory, and that it runs of how much free space there is on the hard disk. And my hypothesis is...I HAVE A REALLY SMALL HARD DISK DRIVE (7.85 GB to be I'm thinking it's an 8 GB but I might be wrong)!!! Gah, why the hell didn't I think of that before? Now it looks like I'll have to install a spare HD in this thing. Nothing too big, though. I figure I'll only need about a 40 GB or so, but if I can find anything bigger for cheap, I'll go for it. I'll probably use the extra drive for music and game (well, I only have four that I actually play...not much compatible with Windows 98SE you know) storage and have the main drive to house my documents, although when I do move out of this place I intend to take out the spare drive (along with all the other upgrades I put in this thing) with me, but only if the parents decide that they don't want this thing and decide to give it to me (they wouldn't let LaRonn take this with him when he left, and being that they wouldn't know the first thing to do with this more than likely, I'll end up taking it with me). If I do end up with it, I'll more than likely scrap it and get a completely new system, maybe one that has a TV tuner in it because I've always wanted to have one of those. There's a couple of shows I have archived that I'd like to do some experimenting on with picture editing and icon making. But I'll think of all that stuff later when I actually have money to spend on a completely new system. Right now I have a truck to save for. That's my priority for now. New computer will have to come later (like end of next year later more than likely).

Yeah, so that's the one thing on my mind right now. I'll go now. I think I've wasted enough of you good peoples' time already. Later!


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