No Rest For the Restless

Oct 25, 2006 11:53

Gah, my head's killing me (if you couldn't tell by the icon) and I should be asleep right now, but alas, I can't sleep. I don't know what keeps me up during this time of day and allows me to sleep again around 15:00 or so. I have the weirdest sleep schedule for one who works overnight. Better start using the sleep aids after work again.

Speaking of work, the store's going through some significant changes for the next couple of weeks. First off, we're getting a Photo Lab. Yep, we're actually getting a full Photo Lab. I don't think any other Target store has one of these. Maybe it's something new that Target's starting, but either way, I like it. It's great that we actually get a One-Hour Photo Lab. Let see, what else...oh yeah. Our Christmas stuff's going up a little earlier that I thought this year. I don't know what they did last year, but usually Christmas items don't go up until around mid November. It stokes me because everyone who's known me on LJ long enough knows that Christmas time is one of my least liked times of the years, commercially speaking, that is. This makes me even happier that I'm no longer working dayside anymore, because most everyone here knows my ordeal with Kmart last year. I hated working the Electronics department last year because we would get constantly raided and slammed for not having any particular item in the store that was either on ad or of particular interest. I'll never forget the Xbox 360 launch, either. We never got any the first day (not even the "cheaper" Core System). Boy did I ever get verbally spammed for that. But this year, being that I work overnight at Target doesn't mean that it's going to be any easier. I gotta prepare for multiple nights of double trailers fulls of mostly toys and electronics among other things that people beg for for Christmas. I'll also be keeping my eye out for two certain items of interest that'll be debuting next month: the PlayStation 3 and the Wii. Normally, they'd be coming on the trailers from the DC in large quantities. I hope we get enough for the launch, though. I think what I'll do is stop by the store (and a few game stores also) on both launch days to see how things go. More than likely, I predict that we're not going to have enough PS3s come launch day, and the fellows that are working Electronics will get verbally spammed like I was last year. As for the Wii, I think we'll have enough on launch day but they'll probably not sell out as fast since the norm are probably going to be more fixated on the PS3. Still doesn't matter. I still say that the Wii's the better system to go for. Right now it has the more impressive lineup of games. But getting back to the main reason for this, I hope the store's prepared. I certainly wouldn't want to go into this unprepared.

Oh, and I was raiding the Electronics section of the store during work today and I saw a few things in there that caught my eye that I thought I'd share with you guys that are animation fans. Um...Justice League Unlimited Season 1 came out yesterday along with Batman Beyond Season 2. Both are a little pricey at the moment at a staggering $35 a piece. I'd better find a place where they're both cheaper. Batman Beyond Season 1 was $20 when it was released so I gotta wonder why is WB releasing Season 2 at $35. I dunno. Um, lemme think...oh. The game Justice League Heroes was also released today for the PS2, Xbox, and DS. I haven't read much on this title, so I don't know too much about it. It sounds like an interesting game, though, if you're into certain DC superheroes. I'll more than likely rent it first before I think about buying it. It runs for $40 on the PS2 and Xbox and I think either $30 or $35 on the DS. So, yeah, just a couple of things I thought I'd share with you animation fans that take the time to read my LJ.

Well, I think for now I'll either try to get more sleep or maybe take a drive to Best Buy to do some DVD and game browsing. With this nice Grey-Sky day outside, I'm tempted to take a drive.

games, dvds, thoughts, red store of death

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