
Oct 05, 2006 18:48

My DSL equipment got here yesterday, I set it up, and now, I'm fully broadband again!!! Yay!!! Fox on!!!

Work's still been going good, although they're starting to cut hours again. No biggie though. I'll still be able to raise enough for what I need.

I bought The Little Mermaid Platinum Edition Tuesday also. Almost didn't though. When I got to Target Tuesday night, I went straight for the Electronics department looking for my movie, and to my dismay, it was all gone! I couldn't believe it! They sold out of it in one day! When I asked Eric if we had any more left, he was going to look on the PDA to check (I knew we had more because when I unloaded the trucks last week, we got about twelve boxes of them) but saw an extra copy in a reshop basket. Oooh, I was so lucky! I was gonna be really pissed if I didn't get it on that day. In addition to getting TLM, I also got the new Evanescence disc also. Haven't had a chance to listen to it yet, but I'll get around to it. As for TLM, took a look at it yesterday, and I love it, apart from the abysmal previews they had, save for the ones on Fox and the Hound 25th Anniversary Edition (in stores next week and you know I'm getting it...my favorite of all the Disney movies of course), Robin Hood: Most Wanted Edition (can't wait for that one), and Peter Pan Platinum Edition next year (I was tempted to get Peter Pan when it came out a couple of years back, but held back on it for some reason). And for future reference, The Jungle Book Platinum Edition is due out around at this point in the year next year, so yeah, gotta get that one too. So, fair warning to those who are wanting to pick up TLM: Platinum Ed., bypass FastPlay and just go straight to the movie. Don't waste your time on the previews.

That about wraps things up for me. So until next time...SO LONG, SUCKERS!!!!

disney, dvds, red store of death, music

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