September 11th, 2011. Ten years later.

Sep 11, 2011 02:15

I had been struggling with if I should bother writing about this. Wondering if I should toss out my rant for all to see that would care to read who were not too busy reading about some fur's plight of no money, or an artist latest piece of furry porn. I debated if it would even matter to post something about my feelings and what has happened in these past 10 years of our lives, and what has happened. I question if I would be accused of being heartless, hateful, or uncaring. My patriotism being put into question for expressing my personal opinion that does not co-insides with the mass majority. But here I am, writing about this day. Remembering, and describing what I remember and feel and see.

On the morning of September eleventh, of two thousand and one, in the city of Boston, four planes took off with a number of people all going about their daily lives, with the exception of a set of Islamic extremist loyal to the terrorist group Al-Qaeda and the man known as Osama Bin-Laden. These men had made their peace with God and dedicated their selves to bringing about a terrorist plot that would bring about great death and destruction, and destroy symbols of American power. In New York, the first plane that was hijacked slammed into one of the twin world trade towers. An eruption of fire and debris of plane and building flew out into the air and streets of the city. Raging fires engulfed the building floors above and below the impact point. Hundreds of gallons of jet fuel fed the raging inferno as it proceeded to burn everything it touched, weakening the structure greatly. Those that were not hit or killed thought a bomb went off. Thousands fled the building while many more were trapped above, unable to escape. A few would jump out of the windows of the burning building, hundreds of feet above the ground, only to fall to their deaths. The other tower started to evacuate in fear and terror, and then soon the second plane strikes the second tower; crashing into a corner of the building and debris flying out of the other side from where it impacted. The fuel spilled into the structure, drenching floor after floor as the fires raced though and devoured everything in its path. Fire and smoke bellowed out into the sky, blackening and blotting out the sun for those down below. Fire fighters and rescue workers trying to help get people evacuated while rushing up into the building to save more lives. More people jumping to their deaths to escape the hell fires burning though the towers. All eyes in the world are turned to New York.

In Washington D.C., the military command center for the United States known as the Pentagon sits, busy with activity as men and women frantically scramble to figure out what has happened and who was attacking us. As the busy building works to deal with the crisis, one of the four planes comes diving out of the sky and slams into a part of the building, destroying an entire section. flames and explosions erupt out as another hijacked plane attacks a symbol of American might and power. Many are killed, others wounded. Everyone helps each other, be they a general or janitor. Our military has been directly attacked and weakened. Further out, the forth and final plane that has been hijacked is en-route towards the symbol of our nation and governmental power, The White House. A phone call is made by one of the people on the fourth plane. He describes whats going on to his loved ones. He tells them he and others are going to try to take back the plane and says his goodbyes. It is never made clear what happened next, be it the passengers fought back and retook the plane, the terrorist lost control and crashed it into the fields, or that our military used a UAV to shoot down the plane and stop it from destroying anything. But the plane went down into a Pennsylvanian field outside of Washington. Everyone was killed in the crash.

Back in New York, as the world watches, the towers bellow black smoke. Many are still escaping the buildings and those around it. Then shortly, the first building give way. The fires have weakened the supporting structure, and the beams can not hold the massive weight above it no longer. The tower collapses in onto its self and falls quickly. Destroyed concrete turns into dust s the structure crumbles and falls. Many are killed above and below. Surrounding buildings are impacted and collapse from the falling debris. And just as the first tower has fallen to the earth, the second tower finally gives and comes falling down. Explosions from stress and the breaking of steel and concrete and glass echo over the skyline as Tower two collapses to the earth. Many more are killed. The Terrorist have completed their goal. The World watches and listens. Not even criminals committed crimes that day. The world stopped as it stared in disbelief at the sight is just witnessed. Some minor groups call out and claim they had done the act, others deny having any involvement. America has been attacked, and we are now at war.

On that single day, the world changed forever. In the coming days the true mastermind behind the attack come forth and announces his Jihad against the American Infidels. We find out that our national defense organizations knew who the hijackers were and had been watching them and knew that an attack was coming, but did nothing to stop them. Congress vote unanimously to take up arms against those that dared to hurt us. A sense of national pride and patriotism fills the air from coast to coast. Racial and religious hate spreads like wildfire and consumes many of the ignorant. Thousands sign up with the military to go fight for their country against an evil force from a far away land. The sleeping giant has been awakened.

The history of the events and that which came after as a result of 9/11 can be read and seen all over. Everyone has a story of where they were. What they remember happened, and how their lives have been changed forever. But many don't realize or see that the terrorist had done more than destroy buildings and symbols and killed over 3000 lives. What they have done is turn our government into the greatest terrorist we have ever seen. Because of the attacks, rights have been stripped, freedoms limited, and choices taken away. Our country and especially our government, has become a Fascist government. If you say something that does not reflect what everyone else is saying, your patriotism is put into question. If you say or do things that are different, your seen as a suspected terrorist. America has returned to the cold war era status of the McCarthy Era. The recycling of phrases and acquisitions replacing communist with terrorist. Politicians and other extremist nuts and anyone wanting to drum up popularity and votes keep beating and milking dry the dead horse that is 9/11. Politically correct people that have the skin thickness of bug's wing cry and moan and whine over and over about anything that just might be a very slight reminder of the terrorist attacks and move to ban movies, shows, games, songs, or anything else that could just maybe possibly remind just maybe one person of the attacks.

Over sensitive people, fascism, governmental terrorism, fear, lost of freedoms and right........ I'd say we have not just let the terrorist win, but have helped them to win along the way. To quote one of America's founding fathers, "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither safety nor liberty." ~ Benjamin Franklin.

"This will be the best security for maintaining our liberties. A nation of well-informed men who have been taught to know and prize the rights which God has given them cannot be enslaved. It is in the religion of ignorance that tyranny begins. " ~ Benjamin Franklin

"Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become more corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters." ~ Benjamin Franklin

I love America, and it is still one of the most free countries in the world, but we are failing to see what is happening in front of us because so many are blinded with blind patriotism and have grown to not question their government.

As I had posted in someone else's journal, "Tears have been wept, moments of silence have long since passed, and remembrance of the victims has already been made. We have allowed our government to become what the terrorist wanted, a power of terror onto its own people."
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