[003] Text // Needing yet MORE info

Jul 02, 2009 13:05

I was wondering if anyone here had a map of Discedo--even a partial one would do. I'm sure I could explore and make my own, but that's not quite the way I want to figure out what parts of Discedo are safe.

Is there any work for a teacher skilled in martial arts and both Japanese and English?

[Filtered from Naruto, thanks to Tails for showing him how to do this. 8D]

What sort of vegetables either grow here or are in the cans and where could I find them? I need to start adding more to a certain blond ninja's diet.

[/Filtered from Naruto.]

Any help would be much appreciated!

narupapa, curious minato is curious, map enabled!, mun forgets tags, plotting father, the other minato

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