foxstarreh Dec 23, 2012 22:01
1.11 "somnambulist", spangel, 2.17 "passion", just saying, 7.22 "chosen", the 'w' word, buffy, abuse is abuse, buffy the vampire slayer, freaky scary stuff, 6.07 "once more with feeling", 5.17 "forever", foreshadowing, 2.18 "killed by death", 2.05 "dear boy", 2.13 "surprise", joss whedon, 3.02 "dead man's party, oz, 2.09 "what's my line part one", angel, joyce, angel the series, 1.10 "nightmares", 6.11 "gone", 2.14 "innocence", stalking=love, 1.09 "the puppet show", jenny, xander, darla, 2.01 "judgement", spike, 3.08 "lovers walk", ats season two, bangel, drusilla, ats season one, btvs season two, spike/dru, 7.20 "touched", cordelia, good is not nice, angel/drusilla, continuity, anya, willow, it must be bunnies, anne anne anne