Skinny Legs and Creepy Antlers

Nov 28, 2012 21:44

Angel 1.05 “Rm w/ a Vu” has Angel complain that Cordelia got peanut-butter in his bed, which he is not okay with. And which he will then do himself three episodes later in 1.08 “I Will Remember You”.

“Angel, at some point in recent history you got peanut-butter in the bed. And it’s gross. I think you’re gonna have to change the sheets.”

“I don’t eat.”

“Then I don’t even wanna know how it got there.”

Yeah, Cordy, you probably don’t.

Foreshadowing is fun.

I just love Angel trying to handle high-maintenance Cordy throughout the episode. He’s all frustrated and a little baffled, but he’s keeping pretty calm about it.
“You’re the biggest pain I’ve ever seen.”

Cordelia comments, after finding Maude’s ghost, “Little old lady ghost. How come Patrick Swayze’s never dead when you need him?” She’s the only one in the room, with Angel just leaving, but just as the scene cuts, there’s this little sound in the background that could be someone exhaling a little loudly, as if in amusement, but it is pretty unclear, so it could even be a cabinet closing. Or, did Angel just laugh at her joke? That’s how I’m interpreting that, though it could be anyone on the crew, and it probably wasn’t scripted.

Cordelia keeps putting her hand over her stab wound from last season. Is that a reflex of Charisma’s? They both have the same injury, so it’s unclear if it’s a scripted continuity nod, or if it’s just something that happens.

Hehe. Angel said “weakling.” That’s just one of those words I can’t take seriously. Sorry, Angel.

Is Cordelia supposed to have Charisma’s lower back tattoo, by the way? It shows up here and I know it shows up in 2.02 “Are You Now, Or Have You Ever Been” towards the very end. I’m blanking on a specific example of it not coming up, however, which would make me think we’re supposed to interpret it that Cordelia has the same sun/moon tattoo as her actress.

And the introduction of Dennis! Dennis is one of my favourite characters to originate from Angel. He’s so normal despite being dead, and he’s really nice too. He seems like a pretty upbeat and likeable guy, even with his ghost-status.
I love characters that seem like they should be scary or creepy or just otherworldly, but then just act like normal people. How about that Carl guy that popped up in Buffy a few issues ago, in 9.11 “Guarded, Part One.” He was pretty cool, but all he did was get tackled and then act in a completely unremarkable manner.

angel the series, 2.02 "are you now or have you ever been", dennis, 3.08 "lovers walk", 1.05 "rm w/ a vu", ats season two, bangel, ats season one, comics, 9.11 "guarded part i", btvs season two, cordelia, oogly-booglies, continuity, angel, btvs season nine, 1.08 "i will remember you"

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