It's a Sham with Yams. It's a Yam Sham!

Nov 24, 2012 06:47

Back home at long last. Whew.

Here's part two of my rambling on about 4.08 "Pangs".

Buffy looks very blonde in this episode. I’m not sure why, she also looks a lot more tanned in this episode, which would help. It adds a nice contrast for the shot of herself, Willow, and Anya as they watch the ground-breaking ceremony. The blonde, redhead, and brunette trio. Always a classic.

I’m curious about Anya’s comment about the Anthropology Professor. “She’s not rippling at all!”

Would Anya have been attracted to her if she had? Does Anya care more about muscles and physical fitness than she does about genitals and sexual identity? I want to know more about this!

I mean, I get it. It’s a little joke, it’s a throwaway line from the comic relief, but I take this stuff seriously, so I really do wish that this could have been explored more deeply.

Oh well.

I wonder if Dawn was in Sunnydale for Thanksgiving 1999, or if she went to her aunt Arlene’s with her mother. I wonder these things about a lot of episodes, really.

I love that Buffy lost Willow’s hairbrush. It’s so random and inconsequential, but it’s a normal, everyday thing. I like the little details of their lives we get to peek at.

Willow is so cute in this episode. All her dialogue, and Alyson’s delivery… I don’t even know. It’s just so cute.

“Grumble grumble.”

I love her getting so worked up. And Buffy takes Willow’s dislike for Anya with amusement, which she will do again in 7.09 “Never Leave Me.” Yay, continuity!

I can’t take this scene with Graham, Forrest, and Riley seriously. Riley looks so ridiculous, and there’s something just a little off about Graham’s behaviour and line delivery, but I honestly can’t put my finger on it. I know I take things seriously when I shouldn’t, but this one…

Riley you look ridiculous!

Then, later Riley runs up to Buffy from far enough away that she couldn’t see him, but he couldn’t have seen her before she got to the Espresso Pump, could he? Considering the layout of the corner the Espresso Pump is on, he must have run those “couple of blocks” in only a few seconds, right? And he’s hardly out of breath, even. One of our earlier signs that everything’s not completely alright inside Riley’s body. He doesn’t seem to notice, though.

I love Anya’s response to Xander being ill. She immediately cringes and leaps back, as if she’s horrified she’ll catch it. Then, without missing a beat, she hops into bed with him and removes his trousers.

I guess she didn’t need much time to come up with her Romeo & Juliet plan.

Buffy built forts out of her mashed potatoes. Who was the fort for? The broccoli people, probably, huh?

Buffy discusses her view of good and evil, and how she believes that everything should be black and white. This is something that is apparent in her character and it is what makes her so uninclined to accept Spike’s love and affection, and what also makes her so hesitant to fault Angel for his actions when he is unsouled. Buffy views the world without any shades of grey, but she really doesn’t have that luxury. Again, a flawed protagonist, but she is proven wrong multiple times, especially when it comes to Spike.

She should just be glad she never moved over to Angel’s series.

Also, I have that brand of stuffing they use in my cabinet. Yeah.

btvs season four, forrest, scoobies, just saying, riley, lgbtqqiaapf, xander, buffy, spike, graham, buffy the vampire slayer, 4.08 "pangs", literary reference, dawn, good is not nice, 7.09 "never leave me", continuity, anya, willow, identify yourself

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