Gorgeous in an Annoying Sort of Way

Jun 03, 2013 21:33

I've been trying to complete a third sequel/prequel for my story Those Things for a while now, and all I've managed to come up with are bits and pieces that don't even come together well enough to make the sort of bits-and-pieces story that Those Things is ( Read more... )

buffy the vampire slayer, spuffel, but why?, angel the series, 5.17 "forever", bangel, 1.01 "welcome to the hellmouth", 1.07 "angel", btvs season two, stalking=love, fanfiction, btvs season one, buffy, shipping, angel

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foxstarreh June 13 2013, 20:32:57 UTC
Oh dear. I certainly didn't mean to offend, that wasn't my intention at all. Nor did I mean to generalise. I'm very sorry if it came off that way.

You're absolutely right, there are plenty of teenagers with maturity to rival the adults around them, and it is unfair to group them in with the others. That said, there are plenty of otherwise incredibly mature teens (and adults as well) who fall victim to the melodrama of angsty "one true love!" early romances.

My actual intent was more that, in my experience, the mentality exists considerably more often in teenagers than in adults. (Vampires are all demons, but not all demons are vampires, you know?)

In any case, I think you're absolutely right on for a reason that Buffy fell for Angel. Keeping 2.01 "When She Was Bad" at the front of my mind, it certainly makes sense for Buffy to latch on to someone with similar experiences.

The problem comes later, after they've drifted a part, and their lives become very different. By the time "Not Fade Away" rolls around, their experiences differ radically. Could their relationship hold, now that they don't have that same reason for being together?

(Okay, at this point I kinda stop replying to you and most talk to myself about my stories. Sorry.)

Or, maybe they don't have to. Maybe it's enough that Spike was there for their biggest wins and worst losses. Maybe, by allowing Spike to retain his position as Buffy's "dark place" (and allowing him to be Angel's as well), Buffy and Angel can maintain the idea of their happy (and dramatic) romance without having to face the idea that they're very different people now.

It's not fair for Spike, but when are things ever fair for Spike?

Coming at the story from this angle kind of saddens me, though. I wanted to write a world where they really are, ultimately, happy. Putting Spike as they key-figure in the maintenance of their relationship would definitely change what I thought I was looking at, but adding to that the idea that Buffy and Angel are still in love with the idea of the other, rather than the real thing...

I will think on this.


slashmarks June 14 2013, 01:02:09 UTC
Thanks for the apology. I usually don't get those concerning stereotyping teenagers. *wry*

I do think that that element could stick to some degree, the shared history of battle and being combat veterans; they have some other shared experience by them, mostly tied to fighting and being self-sacrificing. It's not a huge basis for a relationship, but it's there. I suppose you could also make a case for some other hobby. Fashion, maybe, Angel does enjoy his hairspray and leather pants. You can find probably find something believable.

Another thought I've just had is that assuming post series, Buffy seems to have come to terms a lot more with the fact that being a Slayer means enjoying fighting to some degree -- the adrenaline, the physical activity, etc. (You are writing post series, right? You said Not Fade Away.) I don't know the Angel series as well, so I'm not completely sure about this, but my impression is that Angel tends to angst over his nature more even then. If you want to write a healthy relationship, you could say that Buffy makes him feel better about himself? Like he's not so terrible for being who he is?


foxstarreh June 14 2013, 02:23:06 UTC
Yes, it's set post-NFA. The parts I've already done are over here:

Story#1: Those Things

Story#2: Pride

Story#3: Love and Pancakes

(I'm trying to interpret the first comma of your third paragraph, but it's throwing me. I'm assuming it's meant to mark a parenthetical aside, but I can't find its partner. My interpretation of your intent may be slightly off. Sorry!)

I like the idea of Angel feeling better around Buffy, but I think I'd need to introduce it. I don't know that it's already there. Angel, from what I've seen, tends to feel a need to hide his past and who he is, in order to spend time with Buffy. I think I'd have to establish that change.

And, while I may do so, I am hoping for something already there to build off of, rather than starting them anew.

I do definitely see a basis for Angel wanting that comfort, but I don't think it's there already.


slashmarks June 14 2013, 16:00:24 UTC
It was just meant to mark off the "Assuming post series" bit, sorry for the confusion!

Yeah, that's really not in the show yet, you'd have to establish it. I'm really not an Angel/Buffy shipper either -- in all honesty I think it's a good thing they moved on -- so I probably can't help you much further, I just like playing with the characters. (Though the possibility of Buffy seeking out another combat veteran has made me almost twist myself into liking it in the first couple seasons.)


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