Here it is!

Mar 03, 2008 19:10

February Challenge Finale!

It’s time! The challenge is finally over and the winner has been drawn. Thanks to all of your enthusiasm, creativity, and hard work, this challenge generated . . . .

53 fics!!!

You all are amazing! And what an incredible variety of wonderful stories! Angst, fluff, dark!fic, humor, smut, action, gen, slash, het, pwp, kid!fic, non-con, 3somes, cross-dressing, rare pairs and old favorites, and so many different takes on the pairings.

But here’s what you’ve been waiting for!

The winner of the foxriver_fic February 40 Fics Challenge Prize drawing is:


email me at chanchito_z @ sbcglobal . net (remove spaces) to get your goodies!

Only one person may have got the goodie bag, but we readers are the real winners of this challenge!

Thank you all so much for making this challenge a huge success! It has been a blast reading these and I look forward to finishing up - 53 fics! That’s a lot of reading, and it’s a great effort from some dedicated fans who are helping keep this fandom going with new, ever different and exciting fic!

I thought this challenge might generate a few stories and be a nice way to “retire” as com mod, but I had absolutely no idea that these crazy pairs I’ve been dying for would actually inspire such spectacular stories. It’s been a lovely month and I thank you all for participating and sharing your talents with the rest of us! foxriver_fic com members rock!

Now, all of you - get out there and read the fic!

*These stories contain a variety of different genres and range in rating from G to NC-17 - please read the summaries and warnings first so that you are comfortable with the content.

1 Title: Web
Author: Morphinelovexx
Characters: Lincoln/Sucre
Warnings: PWP, smut, general Morphine writing.
Rating: NC-17
Title: Web
Description: These are the prices a man must pay for wanting. Your bruises throb and your teeth-marks burn as you run your fingers revrently over them, thinking back on the shattered remnants of what used to be your life and your simple needs.

2 Fic: Making Babies
Author: niektete
Genre: Fluff, Humour
Characters/pairings: Veronica/Lincoln, Michael
Warnings: None
Rating: G (gasp!)
Summary: Birthday present #1 for chanchito, who's turning one year older round about now. Prompt: A stuffed toy, Veronica explains about girls and boys to Michael. That's basically the idea.

3 Fic: What a Man
Author: niektete
Genre: Humour, PWP/Smut
Characters/pairings: Lincoln/Derek Sweeney
Warnings: Slash, Sexual situations
Rating: R
Prompt: Lincoln/Derek, Lincoln as a cross-dresser.

4 Title: Haze
Author: etherealflaim
Rating: PG
Category: Gen, Drunk
Fandom: Prison Break
Characters: Michael, Lincoln
Summary: Michael tries to get revenge on Lincoln.
Author's Notes: Fic #1 for foxriver_fic February challenge:
Prompt: #14 - a vision of an angel

5 Title: Steam
Author: etherealflaim
Rating: NC-17
Category: Slash, SlashSlash (3some), PWP, Brothercest
Characters: Michael/Lincoln/Sucre
Summary: Blowing off steam has never been this cramped.
Prompt: #2 - the backseat of a car on a hot day

6 Title: The Three Graces
Author: callmetofu
Rating: R
Category: Het
Characters: Lincoln/Susan, Lincoln/Sara, Lincoln/Sofia, Michael
Author's Notes: Written for pbfic_exchange2 for the prompts Lincoln-centric, Guilt/Remorse over Sara's death; an ambiguous ending; and the line 'This is a sick, fucking joke, right?'

7 Title: Smooth
Author: callmetofu
Pairing: Lincoln/Derek
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Slash
Summary: Lincoln and Derek's bet included a few other things.

8 Title: Soulmates
Author: callmetofu
Pairing: Lincoln/Derek (Michael/Sara)
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Slash
Summary: After the escape from Sona there is time for a little bit of introspection.

9 Title: When the West Wind Moves
Author: mrs_spleen
Characters: Michael/Sara, OFC
Category: au, het, angst, romance
Rating: R (conservative - violence, language, sexual allusions)
Length: 2400 words
Notes: Lately (rightly or wrongly) I’ve been thinking a lot about reincarnation and past and present existences - not worrying whether I will be an ant without legs in my next life - but rather the spirit is renewed in some form for the next life. The eternal journey. I kinda hope so.
I chose a three pointer - Sara/Michael, het, one kills the other, with Prompt #39 - “Fear of Death”

10 Fic: Call Me Papi
Author: niektete
Genre: PWP/Smut
Characters/pairings: Michael/Sucre
Warnings: Slash, Sexual situations, Language
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Present #3 for chanchito_z- this time, it's Michael/Sucre and the back seat of a car on a hot day... Set after the escape, but thankfully AU!

11 Title: Down from the Gallows
Author: kimberlite
Pairing: Michael/Lincoln
Rating: NC-17, bro-cest, non-con
Word count: ~1,100
Summary: Time is running out for Michael to save Lincoln

12 Title: Strays
Author: domfangirl
Starring: Lincoln, Michael (gen, kid!fic)
Category: One-shot
Rating: G (for teh_cuteness); PG-13 (for the bad language)
Summary: Lincoln deals with Michael's first stray.
Author’s Notes: Inspired from this remark made by chanchito_z: "Now I want kid!fic with puppies and kitties and maybe a baby skunk!"

13 Title: In the Mirror
Author: clair_de_lune
Characters: Lincoln, Veronica
Rating: I really don’t know how to rate this stuff. PG-13, I guess.
Word count: ~ 990
Summary: “You’re indeed someone else.”

14 Title: Coming With a Bang
Author: domfangirl
Starring: Lincoln/Gretchen
Category: One-shot
Rating: NC-17 (for sex and violence)
Summary: Yikesabee. Linc at his darkest (and hopefully AU-est).

15 Title: Shouldering the Blame
Author: wrldpossibility
Pairing/Characters: Michael Scofield (mention of Sara Tancredi and Paul Kellerman)
Category: Gen
Spoilers: Up to 3.12
Rating: PG
Word Count: 415
Summary: There is always a turning point. Or perhaps, simply a point of no return.

16 Title: Remember
Author: etherealflaim
Rating: PG
Category: Slash, (slightly) AU
Fandom: Prison Break
Characters: Michael/Sucre
Summary: Michael cashes in a favor with Pope.
Author's Notes: Fic #3 for foxriver_fic February challenge:
- Prompt: #1 - moonlight and a melody
- Pairing: SLASH: Michael/Sucre (AU - they meet before Fox River)

17 Title: Among the Fields of Gold
Author: mrs_spleen
Characters: Michael/Sara
Category: au, het, angst, romance, humour
Rating: pg-13 (sexual references)
Length: 1300 words
Notes:: I selected a two-pointer Michael/Sara, het, dysfunctional, not having sex & Prompt #9 - the last moments between life and death.

18 Title: Eminent People and Social Intercourse
Author: foxriverinmate
Pairing/Characters: Michael/Lincoln? Teddy, John, Sucre
Genre: Slash AU…and probably crackfic!
Rating: NC17
Warnings: M/M sex, cross-dressing
Disclaimer: Sadly, these characters don’t belong to me
Summary: Fresh from Lincoln College, Oxford, bespectacled Michael Scofield is mistakenly sent to Dominique’s to meet eminent people and have social intercourse

19 Title: Twist
Author: etherealflaim
Genre: Het, AU, PWP
Characters: Lincoln/Gretchin(Susan)
Summary: Susan really knows how to play the brothers. But who is playing whom?
Pairing: HET: Lincoln/Gretchin (o.0 o.0)
Prompt: #4 - a strand of hair and a promise

20 Title: Walking In Your Shoes
Author: HalfshellVenus
Pairing: Michael and LJ (Gen)
Rating: PG
Summary: (Pre-Series) Everyone has secrets that protect someone else…
Author's Notes: For 60_minute_fics and the prompt of "Bad News." Also written for the foxriver_fic February challenge, where I used the additional prompts of "cool, wet grass and bare feet," "a stuffed toy," and "a quietly shared secret" AND for my prisonbreak100 table (this is #27, "Children.")

21 Title: Black Shadows
Author: chicago21
Characters: Sara Tancredi, Lincoln Burrows
Type: One-Shot
Category: Darkfic, Angst, Het, Alternate Universe
Rating: NC-17
Length: 1033 words
Warnings: Sexual Situations, Character Death
Summary: When devastation lies in your soul, your heart turns to dust.
Author’s Note: Written for chanchito_z's February Challenge at foxriver_fic. Happy Birthday my dear! I took a three-pointer: Het, Lincoln/Sara - only if one kills the other and I picked prompt #23 “the weight of a gun in a hand”.

22 Title: The Keeper
Author: foxriver_lady
Rating: PG (mild language)
Category: AU, post-Sona
Characters: Linc/Jane, mentions of Michael/Sara, LJ
Summary: Jane and Linc, like most couples, have words.
Author's Notes: prompt #27: Anger and liquor.

23 Title: Wrong
Author: staci_x2
Rating: Adult
Warnings: Sex, Swearing
Pairings: Lincoln/Gretchen
Spoilers: Call Waiting, Boxed In.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Summary: Written for the 40 Fics Challenge over at foxriver_fic. Lincoln has the hots for the woman making his life hell.

24 Fic: Razor's Edge
Author: niektete
Genre: PWP/Smut
Characters/pairings: T-Bag/Mahone
Warnings: Slash, Sexual situations, Dub-con, Language, Mild violence
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Birthday present #4 for chanchito_z ! The prompt was Mahone/T-Bag and a razor blade.

25 Title: six days into spring, is where our story begins
Author: Happywriter06
Rating: PG-13
Category: Het
Characters: LJ Burrows/Sofia Lugo
Summary: Sofia was so close, any closer and she would’ve been on my lap, which would’ve made for an even more awkward situation.
Author's Notes: For chanchito_z's birthday celebration over at foxriver_ficwith the February Challenge. I chose prompts 19 (sand, heat and a blanket) and 20 (the roar of waves and the salty wetness of tears).

26 Title: A Quietly Shared Secret
Author: its_Chase
Category: Het, possibly AU
Pairing: LJ/Sophia
Rating: R
Complete: Yes
Summary: While being held hostage, LJ and Sophia share a secret.

27 Title: Centripetal Force
Author: Morphinelovexx
Characters: Lincoln/Sucre/Michael, Lincoln/Sucre, Michael/Sucre, Michael/Lincoln
Warnings: Languae, sexual situations, blah blah blah
Rating: R

28 Title: Michael's First Time and part 2
Author: its_Chase
Category: Pre-series, AU
Pairing: Michael/Veronica
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I own nothing, still.
Summary: Michael's first sexual encounter.

29 Title: Used
Author: foxriverinmate
Pairing/Characters: Michael/Lisa Rix, LJ
Genre: Het and kind of dark
Rating: NC17
Warnings: Sexual situations, some 'language'
Disclaimer: Sadly, these characters don’t belong to me
Summary: Michael is always willing to babysit his nephew when Lisa wants a night out
A/N: Written because my dear chanchito_z asked for this pairing! So it's one of the forty fics she wanted for February over at foxriver_fic using prompt #26 An unwelcome touch.

30 Title: Hard to Resist
Author: happywriter06
Rating: PG (it's getting higher)
Characters: Lincoln Burrows/Sara Tancredi
Category: Het
Summary: Just read it. :-)
Notes: prompt 18 (black lace and blue denim).

31 Title: Beat Cop - Chapter 2
Author: etherealflaim
Rating: R
Category: Slash, Angst
Characters: Lincoln, Michael/Cop
Author's Notes: First chapter can be found here. This was written also for the February Challenge at foxriver_fic, inspired by (though not strictly for) the Michael/Lincoln non-con pairing.

32 Title: Executive Privilege
Author: etherealflaim
Genre: AU, Slash (implied), Gen
Rating: PG
Characters: Michael/Lincoln, Sucre, etc
Premise: Michael and Lincoln got an executive pardon. For the rest of the AU, you'll have to read =)
Summary: Sucre gets out of Fox River, and pays Michael a visit.

33 Title: Without You
Author: its_chase
Genre: Angst, AU, Romance, Tragedy
Characters: Michael, Sara
Rating: R
Disclaimer: I. Own. Nothing.
Summary: Michael kills Sara.

34 Title: He thought
Author: ladykaru
Characters: Michael Scofield, Sara Tancredi, Gretchen Morgan
Rating: R
Summary: Very AU. He would find out he knows nothing of what he thinks he does.
Warning: Character death
Word Count: 1.574
Author’s Notes: This is written for chanchito's birthday/February challenge at foxriver_fic. I chose the pair "HET: Michael/Sara - ONLY if one kills the other (again, mwahahaha!)" and prompt #37 - tears of loneliness. I hope it suits the challenge :)

35 Fic: Devil's Bargain
Author: niektete
Genre: PWP/Smut, Humour, Action/adventure
Characters/pairings: Michael/T-Bag, Lechero, Mahone
Warnings: Slash, Implied sexual situations, Language
Rating: R
Summary: Another one for Chanchito's birthday! Michael makes a deal with the devil.

36 Title: Mourning
Author: etherealflaim
Genre: Gen, AU (slight)
Rating: PG-13 (language)
Characters: Michael, Lincoln
Summary: Some questions are best left unanswered.
Author's Notes:
- Pairing: GEN: Michael, Lincoln, Aldo
- Prompt: #7 - the gentle touch of a calloused hand

37 Title: What Would Happen if We Kissed
Author: torigates
Characters: Michael/Veronica
Summary: Michael’s drunk. And angry.
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 817
Written for foxriver_fic’s February Challenge: 40 fics! Prompt #27 - anger and liquor.

38 Title: And This You Owe Me
Author: HalfshellVenus
Characters: Michael/Lincoln (Slash, somewhat Dark)
Rating: PG-13
Summary: How could Lincoln know it was even possible for Michael to rescue him, or all that his brother would come to demand in return?

39 Title: A Place To Rest
Author: HalfshellVenus
Characters: Michael/Lincoln (Slash)
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Post-Escape "Paradise" Universe schmoop for mooyoo's birthday!

40 Title: A Guy Walks Into A Bar
Author: happywriter06
Rating: NC-17
Characters: Michael Scofield/Fernando Sucre, Lincoln Burrows
Category: Slash (Pre-series, AU)
Summary: He doesn’t do this. Doesn’t pick up guys in bars.
Notes: For foxriver_fic’s February Challenge using prompts 7 (gentle touch of a calloused hand) and 27 (anger and liquor).

41 Title: What it means...
Author: pluschi
Characters: Michael/LJ, vague mentions of Lincoln.
Rating: PG
Summary: They have a dinner one on one every month and he's never missed a dinner in 5 years. He knows what it means to be a family.

42 Title: The Museum
Author: pemphredouk
Genre: Gen
Rating: PG
Characters: Michael. Sucre,
Summary: The Museum is awash with school trips.....

43 Title: Seeds
Author: callmetofu
Pairing: Michael/Lincoln
Rating: R
Warnings: Non-con, incestslash, underage, abuse, dark subject matter
Disclaimer: Not mine
Beta: The amazingly wonderful deadbeat_nymph
Notes: For the February challenge. Michael/Lincoln non-con

44 Title: Remaining Spaces
Author: callmetofu
Character/Pairing: Michael/Lincoln (blink and you'll miss it)
Rating: PG-13
Warning: Non-con, sort of
Summary: Lincoln leaves a different kind of mark on Michael.
Written for the February challenge Michael/Lincoln - ONLY non-con

45 Title: Rush
Author: Morphinelovexx
Characters: Lincoln/MIchael
Warnings: Languae, sexual situations, blah blah blah
Rating: NC-17
They're up for grabs now

46 Title: The Lincoln Burrow's Guide to Anatomy
Author: foxriverinmate
Genre: Gen
Pairing/Characters: Michael and Lincoln kid!fic
Rating: PG13...anotomical references!
Disclaimer: Not mine. Life sucks
Word count: 306
Summary: The boys have a boy-to-boy talk about anatomy
A/N: I've combined Michael and Lincoln kid!fic with Lincoln explaining the differences between boys and girls! In dialogue only.
From here, you can:

47 Title: " He's Beautiful "
Author: Pamala
Characters: Michael/Lincoln/Sucre
Category: Slash
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: I know they're not mine. I'm old and tired so, PTB, please don't slap me around for playing with your toys.
Summary: Three gorgeous men one big rumpled bed.
Authors notes: #1 This is for foxriver_fic's February Challenge. A lil 3some of Michael/Linc/Sucre hightlighting prompt 7 - gentle touch of a calloused hand.

48 Title: Secrets and Lies
Author: callmetofu
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Michael/Lisa, Lincoln/Lisa

49 Title: Friends
Author: putu2sleep
Rating: pg
Category: Gen
Characters: Michael, Sucre; mention of Lincoln, Bellick, T-Bag
Summary: Michael cannot leave another good man behind

50 Title: Consoling Coercion
Author: domfangirl
Starring: Michael and Sara
Category: One-shot
Rating: NC-17 (for teh_sex)
Summary: Alternate ending to the scene in 1x18 when Sara visits Michael in J-Cat.

51 Title: His Son is Safe
Author: etherealflaim
Genre: Gen, Angst
Characters: Michael, Lincoln, LJ
Disclaimer: I do not own these characters, I'm just borrowing them for a bit.
Summary: It would have taken a single word.

52 Title: But This Was Never Home
Author: HalfshellVenus
Characters: kid!Kellerman, kid!Kristine (Gen)
Rating: PG-13 (subject matter)
Summary: Pre-series look at the childhood Kellerman finally abandoned behind him.
Author's Notes: Written for the foxriver_fic February challenge (kid!Kellerman was one of the choices). I picked the helper prompts here of "hiding in a dark

53 Title: Brother's Keeper
Author: callmetofu
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Michael/Lincoln
Warning: Non-Con, incestslash, bondage
Summary: Fox River wasn't the first time Michael had to save Lincoln.

Disclaimer: just because there are 53 fics doesn’t mean I’m going to agree to be 53 years old quite yet! ;)

Thanks again everyone!!! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

recap, challenge

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