SPN Chicon 2010: Part 2

Oct 15, 2010 15:55

I still didn’t get food after this (well, I went and got a massive tea and a packet of chips, because shit at the cafe was expensive and took too long, and I wanted to get back in time for the auction). So with my food I went back to the ballroom and sat and watched the auction for awhile. Of course, now comes the bad part where my brain kind of forgets the fact that I DO NOT HAVE EXTRA MONEY TO SPEND [and yet I have been doing it anyway] and I start getting excited about getting to own some of the stuff that they are selling - especially when some of them are sets of autographs from the Twilight saga or something and they’re being sold for $160!! DUDE! You could sell that on eBay for twice as much! It’s probably worth about 20 times as much! And so, of course, I joined in on the bidding after awhile. FML. Not that I really stood a chance, because most of the really popular items would skyrocket to $200 within a few seconds, and that was waaaaaaaaaay out of my price range. However I somehow decided spending $100 was ok and started bidding with that limit in mind. And so when they put up 3 SPN signatures of the people that weren’t at the con as well as a limited edition Comic Con SPN/Smallville bag that went for $400-500 at Vancon just a few weeks ago, I was like ‘RIGHT! I can sell this and make shit loads of money!’ and so I bid on it. It only got up to $100 before everyone else decided that they didn’t want to bid anymore and I was like OMFGOD YAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!! I had a bag that was SO much cheaper than a lot of other people had paid for it - on Sunday the exact same bag was put up for auction (and ONLY the bag), and it went for something like $450. I was like shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-! So yea, very glad that I bought it. But I did have a moment where I was like ‘fml, I really should not be allowed in a place like this’ XD;

Then they showed a few more videos after the auction, before MARK SHEPPARD came on stage!! :D this dude, I tell you - so awesome. He wasn’t as funny as the Ghostfacer guys, but he was still epic in a much better way. I mean, the first thing that he was asked: “what’s it like to kiss Jim Beaver?” Answer: “Ehh, a little furry”. *dead* LMFAO but apparently poor Jim is all “I do all this great work and I'm gonna be remembered for kissing Mark Sheppard” XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD but Mark said that Jim was a very good kisser, “Shouldn't have used tongue, but you get what you pay for.” *dies* and then he went on to say that men kissing shouldn’t be a big deal. Apparently Jim kept delaying filming the kiss because he was ‘preparing himself’ and kept being like “I just need a couple more minutes! Just twenty more minutes!” XDD LOL but Mark was all “pucker up, buttercup”, which didn’t help matters. xDD LOL then he started talking about how he would like to be in Torchwood and Dr Who and how great the new Dr Who is and I was like FUCK YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!! And omg, please fangirl gods, put Mark Sheppard in the next season of Torchwood. It would be amazing and fantastic and brilliant in every single way. PLEASE!

He went on to talk a little bit about Dr Who and how he loves Matt as the new Doctor and how fantastic was he, following someone like David Tennant and yet completely delivering? He also said that Tom Baker was one that managed to bring back Dr Who to its days of former glory and I guess that’s why Kate loves him so much. I learnt that Mark’s dad was actually in Star Trek and I was like OMFG REALLY?! And actually made a note to ask him which one[s] when I went up to ask for his autograph. I also made a note to be like “high five for Dr who love! Thank you for saying that Matt is an awesome Doctor!! :D” also: if he were on Dr Who, Mark would like to be the Doctor. FUCK YES!

Someone asked about his favourite scene and he said that the line “where’s your moose” is from one of his favourite scenes. And he’s been watching the show from the beginning because he’s friends with Kim Manners! Isn’t that AWESOME?! He said that SPN was such a joy to do, and he wished that he could do it forever (so do we!!) and next they’d have “The Crowley Show” as a late night talk show XDD; in Mark’s own words: “There are two types of people in the world: people who are fans of Crowley and the people who should be.” WORD.
Then we moved on to his thoughts on the boys - “If there's fun to be had, the boys will find it.” LMFAO oh boys, you really do have such bad reputations. But then someone asked about crazy fan experiences and he said that he met Peter O’Toole once and Peter fanboyed HIM! I was like :OO

Someone asked about Good Omens, because apparently there is a Crowley in that book and Mark was sent 15 copies in the last year [coz he hadn’t read it before, or something xDD] so he was like “stop sending that book! I got it!” LOL but then he went on seriously to say that the guys that write the show rarely do anything without thinking it through, and that they have definitely taken from the Good Omens book deliberately. I presume there are themes in there as well that are translated over, but I haven’t read it so I couldn’t tell you.
LMFAO then a fan asked “Sam or Dean?” and his reply was “as what? What kind of question is that?! I own them both!” XDD oh Mark, you have sealed my heart with love for you forever <33 I think this is where Mark brought up Jared (or someone else did) and he was like “You mean Gigantor, the talking moose?” LMFAO OMG DYING. I had forgotten about that until he said it and then the entire fucking room burst out laughing - I was *crying* I laughed so hard. The way he said it, with such a straight face, I don’t know how but it made it so much funnier. And then he went on to say that he never dies in anything that he does (YAY!) and just keeps showing up like a bad penny (aww, lol) but this gave most of the fangirls hope that he will in fact be back this season and not just for the one episode on Friday. But then he decided to be a bit cruel and teased us with ‘well, you know, maybe. And maybe he’s evil and they find out a way to kill him and he’s definitely gone and dead this time’ DDD: oh god, don’t say things like that Mark! It hurts my heart!

After that amazing panel they had a short break and then Clif came on, who was Tiny in that prison episode and is now employed as Jared and Jensen’s bodyguard. He wasn’t all that bad, I don’t know why people in Vancouver were being such bitches about him. He has ink that he explained to us but I couldn’t really see it from my seat (I went up to him on Sunday after the Jensen photo op to ask to see it and was actually really impressed. He has two Celtic crosses and two bits of Japanese Katana writing on his forearms - one says his wife’s name and the other says ‘body guard’ and I was like OMFGOD THAT’S SO AMAZING! And laughed while smiling real big. He grinned at my reaction and then I left the poor guy be, bless him). He also works with the transportation group with organising where the boys need to go and what to do if they have to go to separate places and finding someone that can take whoever he doesn’t like that day xD;

Anyway, skipping through that coz I can’t remember most of it, (except that Clif would like to do more acting but he’s also comfortable where he is) after the panel I hung out until it was time for us to get ready for autographs (I didn’t get photo ops with anyone else) but Sophia and a few others did. So I sat and talked with people and we waited for them to get through the lines of people. It was here that we actually discovered that they would not be airing the episode of Supernatural in the Ballroom on the big screens that were there, because they couldn’t for whatever reason. So those that were lucky enough to be upfront left straight after getting their autographs and going to get ready to watch the episode. So I was kind of seriously pissed about that, since I put off watching the episode so that I could watch it for the first time with a whole bunch of people because THAT’S SO MUCH BETTER! But no, had to wait for autographs instead. And even though I was technically with row Q, I went up with J (the gold row that I had been adopted into) and they really didn’t care. LOL! But they did care when I tried to hand over my photo with The Ghostfacers as well as my picture I had bought, because I wanted both signed but they were all ‘ONLY ONE THING CAN BE SIGNED!!! DD:<’ - seriously, they were pretty brutal about it.

Anyway, I gave my stuff to AJ and I really don’t know what I said, I think I was commenting with Sophia was the WWBD was (momentary brain fail where I forgot about the Buffy thing). But when I got to Travis, who is mega fucking hot IRL, might I say, and I have no idea what Sophia said to Travis, only that I took the time to stare openly at his biceps up close, because he was too busy looking at his picture that he was signing. When he finished though I mentioned something about Eurotrip - mumbled/blabbered about how I did like it even though I cringed a little when they trashed the Pope thing. He laughed and said something I couldn’t here, before I moved on to the lovely Aldis. This is something that I distinctly remember, because I was right behind Sophia as she handed over both covers of her season 1&2 of Leverage for Aldis to sign, and she was only allowed to get one of them signed (because the Creation supervisors were supercunts about that) but she wanted to get Aldis to chose, because she couldn’t. The sad thing about that was that Aldis really would have signed both of them, but the annoying Creation chick was adamant that he only sign one. “only one, man? Gosh, that’s harsh... how can you chose? But... you gotta go with season 1, yea. Season one man, all the way” is something along the lines of what he said. I couldn’t really say anything to follow that, because I felt bad for Sophia. But Mark Sheppard was last and he was such a doll. I had completely forgotten the question I had wanted to ask (EVEN THOUGH I WROTE THE FUCKING THING DOWN), but it didn’t really matter because we had a fantastic moment with him. Sophia asked him if he spoke German, since his mother is German, and he actually replied in German to her, saying ‘a little’. I was like OMG NO WAI~ because I knew that he wasn’t speaking English. I just said that I was really impressed, as the girl that can only speak English and some Japanese. But then Mark, bless his soul, looked at me and made that impressed noise that everyone always does when you say that you’re studying an Asian language and said to me ‘oh, arigatou!’ and I laughed, because of COURSE that’s the only thing celebrities know in Japanese. xDD; I did my little Japanese bow and said ‘Arigatou gozaimasu’ back and I think I said it was great to meet him and that we both hope that he is back to stay after episode ten. Mark made that ‘ooh, well I dunno, might be dead’ thing and we were both like “NO! DON’T SAY THAT!” and I went on a bit about how I would not except it and will just live in denial. XD; then we walked off practically bouncing on the ceiling.

Because we had only missed half the episode, we quickly hurried out of the ballroom, intent on getting near a TV asap so we could watch the end of the episode. Lucky for us though the flat screen TV just in front of the ballroom (in the lounge area that I slept in on Friday) had a bunch of people lying about watching the episode, so we just slid onto the floor and joined them. Ohmygod, there really is something to be said for watching an episode with a bunch of other fangirls. It was great, because there was that moment when Cas kicked ARSE and everyone was all “WOOT!” and would say random stuff (like when they just had that long look at the toad, we all thought that was going to be the angel or whatever) and when Sam’s car got crushed and Dean was all ‘silver lining’ everyone ROARED with lulz but everyone made those whiny broken heart noises when Dean called Sammy out on being an Ice Princess evilton, and DD': but we were all there to support each other, so it wasn’t too bad. But then Sophia and I immediately went off to get onto a computer and watch the beginning of the episode and see what we missed while we were waiting for our autographs. We watched it together and it was nice to actually have someone there to grab and be like \o/!! ^-^;

Around 9:15 they stared the cosplay contest, which I had wanted to see, but watching the SPN episode online and then getting hooked on facebook updating and going through my ridiculous inbox meant that I only got to see them as they left the ballroom. The guy who was sitting near me won the category of Young Dean, and by Christ he really did look the part. It was kind of freaky, to be honest! And since that was over and the only thing left was the desert, I decided to leave since my host would be back at some point and I wanted to be back before midnight and hopefully asleep by then. Unfortunately it didn’t work out that way coz I didn’t realise the buses didn’t run past 10pm so I walked half way back to my host’s house, without thinking that I could have just gotten a taxi out the front of the station. Instead I figured I would just either get on a bus or pick up a taxi on the way as I walked, whichever went past. Of course, it didn’t quite end up like that. Eventually though I got a taxi back and fell into bed, used my laptop to transfer the thousand or so photos I had taken throughout Saturday and Friday and trying to watch the stupid Merlin episode on crap as all hell internet. I only got through about half before my host came home and I gave up and went to bed.

I really cut it fine getting to the convention on Sunday morning, omfgod. For some reason I thought it would be a good idea not to leave until 11am, even though the photo ops for Jensen started at 11:05 [and went for nearly 45mins] but it caused a lot of stress in the fact that I had to wait for a bus and then the bus had to take its time getting to the station, and then I had to get on a train (thankfully one pulled up just as I got on the escalator, so that was fucking brilliant timing) and half run to the hotel so that I could get there on time - because wouldn’t you know it, I had forgotten my tickets and neckbadge thing. That was seriously fucking annoying and I nearly had a heart attack on the bus when I realised, but then remembered that I could go into the business centre at the hotel and print off another copy of my Jensen Photo op ticket and get it changed over. I asked the lady at the info desk what I should do, and they said that it would be fine so long as I stayed in my seat for the day and did everything as I was supposed to with regard to my place in the queue (turned out it wasn’t actually the case, but more on that later). Then I just had to go take a seat in the ballroom and wait to be called down for the photo. I didn’t actually know what I had to do though, because they were actually seating people on the right side of the room and I just sat in my seat because I had no idea *where* I had to line up. So I just figured that I would wait until the row that I was sitting in anyway was allowed to go down and I would just tag along at the end.

The guy that sat on the other side of Sophia - the one that won the Young Dean look-a-like contest - came over though to tell me that I was supposed to be on the right side so I went over and sat next to this chick and we got chatting. I mainly started on about how I would not have missed this for the world and that its totally worth blowing all my money on the convention and getting to meet Jensen and having photo ops and autographs done. She definitely agreed with me and said that she actually spent all her grocery money this week on getting the photo with Jensen instead LOL (because on the site they said that it was sold out or something, but when she got there that morning they were still selling them, obviously). I do remember saying that I had been contemplating whether or not to have my glasses on during my shoot, but sadly I wouldn’t have time to check really (and that I hoped I looked alright since I had been running around like a mad woman all morning, getting sweaty D I’m sure we talked about other things, but they were not important. And more definitely along the lines of ‘omg so nervous, hope I won’t fall over dead from Teh Hot’ and I explained that its more than ok to leave your belongings on the table while you get your photos done, because I had done it and I’m pretty sure no one has had stuff stolen yet.

Then, we were on our way inside to get our photos done. And holy fucking shit, Jensen was RIGHT. FUCKING. THERE! And he was wearing a really smart black button up shirt that looked insanely and obscenely hot. Like, house on fire kind of hot. All thought vanished from my head and I was like “oh goooooooooooooooooooooooood damn he is a fucking good looking motherfucker!” and I spent the entire time waiting in line just *staring* at him. ;alkjgalfjgad;ldfjgad;lfja;lj that smile, up close and from only 2metres away... *dead* like seriously, it should come with a warning.

When I finally got up there though, there was this weird problem with the tickets because they were supposed to have two ladies taking everyone’s ticket stubs, but one of them was helping the camera guy and when it was my turn to hand mine over, she paused to give what looked like ticket stubs to the other girl so she could give it to the cameraman (IDK, ok? It was just weird). But this meant that I had to get my ticket ripped off quickly and then I had to try and shove it into my jeans pocket as quickly as possible, because JENSEN FUCKING ACKLES WAS RIGHT FUCKING THERE! But I had my Chicago transit pass in my pocket so it was being a bitch and wouldn’t go in very easily, so I was all like ‘sorry!’ *head bends in shame and uses Force to shove the ticket in pocket’ but Jensen was just like ‘oh yea, you don’t want that getting in the photo’ (or equivalent). FUCK. OH GOD, THAT VOICE. NO WORDS. Sadly since all thought had vanished from my brain, I completely forgot to think about my glasses - but worse than that! D: I completely forgot to ask for the hug photo!! DDD: WTF IS WRONG WITH MEEEEEEEEEEEE you should twit?! I kind of went to do it but wasn’t sure and alkjf;algj it was so retarded, I look like a spazz in my photo because my body is twisted like I am going for the hug shot but I’ve quickly pulled my hand away at the last second. FML, MY ONLY PHOTO WITH JENSEN AND I LOOK LIKE A RETARD. I think Jensen realised too and so his smile looks kind of fake/forced and its definitely not the best (though it is a very Dean style look). Still. FML FML FML.

It didn’t help that I went to look at myself in the mirror afterward and collect myself and THAT’S when I realised I had forgotten to take off my glasses. So I went back to see if they would be able to do a reshoot and just chuck me in quickly at the end, but the lady was like ‘I’m sorry, but we can’t do any reshoots’ D'': which sucks a lot. I’m kind of saddened about that, because I had really wanted a good shot with Jensen - the rest of us normal folks are at such a disadvantage already, why couldn’t I get a damn reshoot so that I at least look decent? :(

Anyway, I went off to be emo about my fugness to the ballroom so that I could meet up with my new friends and see what was happening. Only I arrived to discover that the auction was about to get underway, which was something I was really looking forward to because now that the room was packed with people, I wondered how much the remaining stuff would sell for. This was where the massive Impala banner poster would be auctioned, as well as the remaining banners of the boys and Misha and Dean and Sam. All of them went for more than $250, which is insane. Like fuck, even if I had wanted one I could not have bid for it because it would immediately shoot up to $200 within a few seconds. Though there were a few bidding wars going on over posters. The impala one, for example, went for $500 after this one lady who was bloody well FOR SURE going to get that poster, just kept jumping up to bid each time someone else would. She was determined to get it, no matter what price, and she did! Lucky biatch *is insanely jealous*
They also sold off the Pepsi shirt and Jersey that Richard had signed and left, I believe he chose the Veterans foundation charity or something for the money to go too, and both of those went for an insane amount of money. The stage and photo booth banners (that had been signed by the cast) were auctioned off too, and most of those went for around $300+ (I think the first one was lucky though coz she got it for $260). A few more autographs were sold (both SPN and non-SPN) and a private meet and greet ticket with Jensen, but I can’t remember what else.

Right before the panel was about to start though, Sophia’s English friend Teresa came over and told us that her seat was actually free because she was taking the seat of another lady would couldn’t be there on Sunday. She said that there might also be a spare seat for me next to her, because no one has been sitting there all weekend. AND OMG WHAT DO YOU KNOW, THE SEAT WAS STILL OPEN AND I FUCKING MOVED UP TO ROW D!! I WAS RIGHT FUCKING THERE FOR THE WHOLE THING, BITCHES. IT WAS AMAZING AND FANTASTIC AND OMFGOD I THANK THEE FANGIRL GODS FOR GRACING ME WITH SUCH WONDERFUL CON FRIENDS.

I cannot express just how much of a difference being four rows from the front made. I pretty much just put my camera on ‘burst’ and took about 1000 pictures just by pressing on the ‘take picture’ button. And then I would take video when I would remember if there was a chance that a question would provoke something amazing. I mean, the whole bloody panel was amazing, but I couldn’t have known that otherwise I might have just video’d the whole thing (thankfully someone else did that for me and I am hoping that she is going to email me at some point, because I srsly want a copy of that. That panel on Sunday was ONCE IN A LIFETIME - the three guys up on stage together? Never been done before. And it was perfection. In every way).

Anyway, they had decided that Misha would come out first and have some time and then Jared would come out later and Misha would leave, so that we could have our time with both of them. Thankfully it didn’t quite work out this way, and then the panel ran overtime anyway (YES! FUCK YES! 8DDD) but Misha came out by himself and my god, that man really knows how to work the crowd. THERE IS A COMPLETE VIDEO OF THIS PANEL AT THIS LINK, GO WATCH AND SEE FOR YOURSELF HOW AMAZING THEY ARE. FOR SERIOUS, BEST 80MINUTES OF MY LIFE RIGHT THERE.

I will go into a few things that I must highlight, because they are my favourite parts of the panel (yes, all of it was my favourite, but there are some things that had me laughing so hard I think I broke my face, so they are of import). The first was when Misha let a fangirl use his mic to ask a question because hers wasn’t working really well, and in Cas-style was standing insanely close to her and she kept wanting to step back but all the other fangirls in line for questions were behind her, so she just lent back really far and Misha was like “why are you moving further away? *sneaks a bit closer*” XDDD LMFAO! I believe she asked about Swan Song and he went on to say it was “very emotionally draining. Like when I exploded. That takes a lot out of you. You think it’s more of a physical thing but UGH ... I felt like I had been crying when I reconstituted myself”. And then there was the matter of Jensen - Misha was like “in person it was hard to look at him, because it was so disgusting. And then they put the makeup on... he’s not that bad” OMFG DEAD.
And it gets even better - in the next question (about fun things to film) and he was saying that there is a lot of fun to be had while filming but they can laugh so much that it can get to a point where it’s really frustrating and it goes in like a side way, where its great but then “this is not fun anymore! Let’s get off! *realises and giggles*... not in that way!” ... *crowd cheers and laugh, someone says ‘he walked into that one’* XDD “*matter of fact* I did not see that bus coming. And did not get out of the way.” XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD


Someone asked about what Misha learned from working with Jared (which is a kind of joke from elsewhere that would lead to the same conclusion, I was just kind of confused when Misha started XD) and Misha sort of paused ... thought about what he was going to say and then brought up this book that was written about finding your inner self as a man while you’re in a concentration camp and having to live through that suffering. Those messages and how they were conveyed really helped him get through, especially when there are those times when Misha is in the back of the Impala and Jared farts, you really connect to the suffering that he’s talking about. xD; and poor Misha can’t wind down the window because it will fuck up the shot. OMG I CAN’T EVEN.


The most hilarious fan ever unfortunately had lost her voice and sounded insanely hilarious over the mic and Misha wanted to be an ass or something and was all “let's see her try [to ask]”, so bless her soul she braved the mic and said one word before Misha was like “omg that’s horrible” and Jared ran off and hit into the banner, covering his ears to get away from the sound XDD; but apparently she had been out in the rain trying to rescue a dog and that’s how she got sick and that made Jared feel bad (cue lolz of ‘oh shit, I’m an asshole’ and Jared flinging his leg in the air). Then when she actually did start asking her question, they would interrupt and be like - Misha: “you have a funny voice”
Jared: “why are you choosing to talk like that?” Fangirl: “... I *can’t speak*” XDDDD LOLOLOLOL SO HARD!!!!! Misha: ‘haha, this is fun! So, tell us, where are you from and ...’ XDD Jared: “we’re just going to have her answer our questions now” LOL
But her question was actually kind of sweet and aimed at Jared - “does it hurt your feelings when people call you giagantor etc” and he put on the puppy dog face and nodded real sad like and was all “I need a hug” and rushed downstage to give her a hug. Which I thought was actually really sweet and totally made up for the fact that they had just spent the last two minutes absolutely taking the shit out of her.
XD then Jared was like “yea but no, it doesn’t hurt my feelings. I can’t help it, I didn’t do it” XDD “I hope we didn’t hurt your feelings by making fun of your voice like that. I dig that, btw” XDD lol. AWWWWWWWWWW <3 I love you Jared.
And then he mimicked the girls’ voice and was like “next question please” and oh god, I just can’t handle it anymore.

And then he did the CSI Miami!Sammy impression when Misha started talking about how he loved doing the ‘Castiela’ scenes ... not something they ever shot, but he’s been practicing. And Jared wanted the attention back on him so he pulled out the sunglasses. And then kind on insinuated that Jared and Castiela were going out to certain kind of nightclubs in Toronto. Omfgod, so much win.

My next favourite bit was the part when someone asked Jared if he wears cologne because ~he smelt good~ in the photo ops this morning (lol, I could practically smell it from where I was sitting, but it is a lovely smell). Then he proceeded to get ridiculous with Misha and I will never EVER recover from this, I swear to god. The first thing Jared said was ‘well, Britney Spears has this new line... and that’s what I wear’ and then Misha said “we all wear it. Well actually, the oil of a musk ox” and then Jared proceeded to RUB MISHA’S CHEST and then rub that same hand OVER HIS OWN CHEST that create his own combination scent and calls it “Synergism”. /dead
But then he said that he uses Old Spice deodorant, but that was like a ‘foundation’ XD for everything else, because he smells bad XDD; lol so the deodorant is the base/foundation and then the High Endurance Old Spice is the next bit and he also uses Abercrombie cologne and then in ‘Teh Gay Voice’ was like “Fierce! Do I smell fierce?!” *more than dead* and then the boys went on to say that they needed to combine all the smells on SPN and bottle it and sell it under ‘Synergism’. Oh god, be still my heart.

There was this lady that had to leave for work and she asked for a hug and then told Jared that his hair was better than Misha’s, and Jared preceded to preen himself and running his hand through his hair while all “I don’t know what she’s talking about, I mean, I don’t pay attention” LMFAO!
The next question was a real serious [AND INTELLIGENT!] one about the mythological arc of the show portraying angels negatively and after a bit of banter Misha was like “well I’ll have to agree with my friend Padalecki here” and Jared replied “we’re not friends.”... Misha: ‘my stagemate’ Jared: “we’re not mates” Misha: “we’re not mating” Jared: “probably not?” Misha: “In spite of what it looks like, we are not mating” Jared: *points to left 3rd finger* “married” *points to Misha “married” XDDDD OH BOYS, YOU ♥

And then a bit later he was alone, with his glasses on, signing on stage (which I could not quite compute because my brain had gone into overload and I seriously, really could not take any more awesome right at that second).

Someone asked a question about whether the guys name their cars, because she names her car Castiela after her favourite character and then they starting with all the double-entendre that left me crying with laughter. “Do you ride in Cas?” “Is Castiela weak?” “Is she had to get going?” “is he full of gas no, that would be Jared” “It must be automatic because you couldn't find it in stickshift”

After some love was showered over Jared’s hair (lmfao, Jensen was all ‘here’s a question dumbass’ after Jensen got ‘you’re so attractive’ and Misha got ‘congrats on your baby!’ LMFAO but it was all about how Jared’s hair is so lush! What product do you use?!) and Jared was all “oh please, stop. Stop. You have one hour to stop that immediately’ and proceeded to run his hand through his hair again. xDD; and then the next questioner was like “I’m sorry, it’s time to put your serious faces on for a second” and Jensen asked “ok, one second” and SIMLUTANEOUSLY, ALL THREE OF THEM LOOK OVER AT HER REAL SERIOUS. OMFGOD, THEY HAD BRAIN FUSION ON STAGE AND IT WAS GLORIOUS.

Then came the girl that laid on some really intense gratification to Jared on the character of Sam, so Jensen put on his sunglasses and he and Misha just started talking amongst themselves and then Jensen mimed calling someone and then Misha got out his phone and started pretending to be on Twitter and even took a picture of Jensen on stage with his phone XDD; then she kept going because she wanted the audience to join her in giving Jared a standing ovation so Misha and Jensen left XDD; but then they came back out and EVERYONE got onto their feet and gave all three of them a standing ovation. It was beautiful :'D

The next bit I loved was Jared’s impression of Cas. Holy fucking shit, I just about passed out I was laughing so hard. I think I was trying to record this as well, but I fucked it up so bad coz I was shaking with laughter so much XD; but it was fantastic, Jared did his entrance to the ‘scene’ as though he was a robot and even used a robot-like voice XDDD; BUT! Then he was like “for a REAL Cas impression, you would do this” and he walked off backstage. And Jensen was like ‘he’s not there’ and when Jared came back on stage he had a little game of charades with Jensen about what he actually wanted Jensen to say and a;glkjfa;lgjaf;lgja;lgj *tinhat attaches to head* he mimed the four words thing and did the ‘I am watching you’ gesture and somehow Jensen managed to correctly say that the answer was “Cas is not here”. But then he was like “what about [drunk!Cas] in ‘The End’?” and Jensen was like ‘oh this is my favourite one’ and Jared walks upstage and then just acts like he’s falling while standing up and mumbles nothing under his breath LOL I LOVE HIS DRUNK!CAS IMPRESSION. LOLARIOUS.

[also, at the very end, when Misha was signing the banner, Jensen came past and slapped him on the arse ;LGKAJ;FLKJASDGJAFKJ and then, at the one across stage, because Misha had to reach up so high to sign him picture, both Jared and Jensen tried to knock him over XD; Jensen actually pushed him whereas Jared just came up the stairs and head butted him LOLOL. Amazing]

One side note that I learnt after the panel - there were a lot of free hugs given out throughout the whole thing (OMG THE JEALOUSY THAT I BURN IN, IT BURNS) but there was this one girl that I got talking with and she said that when Jared came over to hug her better, he was apparently whispering things in her ear like “do you like that? You like that? Yea, you like that don’t you?” and then would squeeze/hug her tighter and keep going like that. All she could say was ‘yes’ and LOL I don’t blame her (omfgod, kind of glad it wasn’t me there because I would have said something stupid about him being so big and THAT would have totally derailed the pretence of my normality). And he was giving out heaps of winks with the autographs - what was up with that?!?! Aklkfgja;lkfjalkjkdgg JARED YOU FLIRT AND YOU FUCKING TEASE.

They started getting us ready for getting out photos signed and at the same time Jensen’s autograph tickets would be called by numbers and you would get in line from there. I went off to go to the bathroom or get food or something (with the English lady Teresa, I believe) and we found someone’s wallet in the bathroom down the other end of the hotel. So we handed it in and then got them to make an announcement that they had lost it. Then we went to get pictures for the upcoming signing for her - she didn’t have one for Jared and she was going to GIVE ME HER MISHA AUTOGRAPH. LIKE OMFGOD HOW IS THIS WOMAN NOT A SAINT?! She was going to see him again in a few weeks in Birmingham and because she runs it she can get free autographs, so she wanted to give me hers. I was like “OMG YES PLEASE! I would be so happy. Are you serious? Thank you thank you thank you” and so I went and bought the amazing beautiful blue eyed picture that makes me melt GOD MISHA, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. We did take ages to figure out which one she wanted for Jared, because there were so many but we couldn’t decide if we wanted Super Srs Face Sam or Pretty!Sam or Smiling!Jared. in the end she managed to decide and we went back to the Ballroom coz I still have to get my autograph with Jensen and I found out that they had called passed my autograph ticket and so I jumped in line :D

I did thank Jensen for coming, but I walked away and went straight up to where Theresa was sitting on the side, with the perfect view to just sit and ogle at Jensen LOL. There were a few people in the way of our direct line of vision of Perfect Jensen signing autographs, so we moved our seats over and just started talking while staring at him. LMFAO but we did start a rather negative conversation about ‘what a farce’ the convention is and how it’s ridiculous that you pay so much for a Gold/Silver ticket and then you still have to buy so many extra things on top of that (if you want photos, for example, all of those are extras, and then some of the autographs for the people aren’t included in the price). I also complained about how rude they were and even though I know that the big stars don’t personalise, I thought it was pretty bad form when Jensen’s autograph line finished not very long after I sat down and it’s not like writing ‘Samantha’ or ‘with love’ takes a very long time. It wouldn’t have been any extra effort on Jensen’s part and he just signed for 300 people in about an hour, which is less than what the guys are going to do. And then we got onto the subject of cost and how much the guys are charging to go to the convention. She told me that Jensen definitely charges 6figures+ and I was like ‘holy fucking shit’, because I had wondered if they got a fee upfront for coming out or if they just got extra money from the autograph/photo tickets that they sell. But no, it looks like in the US they have a standard fee and then you pay Creation so they can help pay off that fee. She said how the guys are kind of pricing themselves out of the market, because no overseas convention can afford to bring them over, with the enormous amount of overhead that they have. Even Misha’s price has tripled in the last two years, so that he’s now [or his agent is now] asking for as much as the boys were asking for two years ago. It’s kind of depressing really, because these guys just turn up for a day or so and they get more money than most people would make in an entire year. I was saying how I would love to work in the entertainment industry as a finance manager but honestly I think it will just end up making me want to cry once I learn just how things are done.

Anyway, she said that the dessert wasn’t that great the night before because AJ & Travis were only at each table for 90 seconds and that someone actually stood behind them with a stop watch and timed them. When their 90seconds were up, she put her hand on the table and told them to move on. And Theresa never met any of the others, which I think is really bad form. And the breakfast food provided by the hotel apparently wasn’t that great idea (the Misha and Jared one), which I can sympathise with (even though I don’t usually eat much breakfast, I would if it were there to be eaten XD). When her row number was called though to go up and get signature for Jared and Misha, I tagged along to see if I could get my stuff signed then and hopefully go off and do something constructive for the day. But I was told by the person who would punch your ticket that I would not be able to go up and get my autographs, at the very least I would have to go and print off the ticket that showed I had bought a silver pass and where I sat. So I had to go and print that off and then when I got back to the info desk I wanted to ask the woman to write on there that I had forgotten my pass and that I was all alright so that I wouldn’t run into a similar thing when I got up there with my row this time, and after a bit of fucking around, she eventually just took my stuff off me and wrote down what I wanted her to write. FFS!

I went back in and sat next to Teresa and she gave me the Misha autograph :DDD and we talked for awhile whilst I listened out for them calling my row number. I got it line right at the end of Q because that’s the only row that I was allowed to go up to get my autographs with (stupid rules), and lucky that I had told the fucking woman at the desk to write something on my piece of paper, because otherwise I’m pretty fucking certain that she would not have let me get my autographs. As it was she started some spiel about how I would have to give it over at the Misha desk as well otherwise I wouldn’t be able to get my autographs blah blah only doing it because of stricter rules blah blah and I was like “LADY, STFU! I DON’T GIVE A SHIT AND I COULD HAVE FIGURED OUT AS MUCH FOR MYSELF. SHUT YOUR CAKE HOLE SO I CAN SPEAK TO JARED, GOD!” and Jared took my pretty picture of himself and signed it, looked up at me, smiled and winked and holyfuckalkfjg;akfj;lah;ojnbajncv; *brain dead*. I wanted to say something intelligent (but whilst all this shit was going down I had forgotten that I wanted to tell Jared about visiting Winchester and ‘John’s BBQ’) but my brain had seriously short-circuited with that wink and smile *;lalkfgjakl keyboard smash x infinity* I still cannot get over it. Fuck Jared, why are you so amazing.
Anyway, the lady behind me started talking about WTF was up with Sam this series and how she was hoping that something would be resolved with this new Sam because it’s not *our* Sam (or something like that) and Jared was like ‘ok, I’ll tell Sera that’ and I jumped in saying “yes, no more Ice Princess please! He’s such an ice princess now DD:” AND HE LAUGHED - SCREWED UP HIS FACE AND LAUGHED - HE WAS ALL “HAHAHAHA, ICE PRINCESS, I LIKE IT” A;LKGJAL;KFJGA;LKFJA;LKKFJGA;LKLFGJA;DFGJA;LKKGJ X TEN BILLION HOLY FUCKING GOD YOU GUISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSE I AM DYING. AND THEN, AND THEN, HE SAID THAT HE WOULD TELL SERA even though I somehow doubt he will remember XD THAT [THE FANGIRLS] WANT NO MORE ICE PRINCESS SAMMY.


Then I sidled up to Misha and handed over my extra autograph and papers and crap, totally not giving a shit about what the lady had to say/do (LADY, MISHA IS THE CENTRE OF MY WORLD RIGHT NOW, YOU MEAN NOTHING) and put my stuff down (after she reminded me because my brain was still stuck in ‘holy shit I made Jared laugh like that holyfuckingshitholyfuckingshitholyfuckingshitholyfuckingshitholyfuckingshit’ xD;
Misha signed my lovely picture of him and I then told him that a friend of mine, ‘was currently burning in a pit of fiery jealous hell back home, because she couldn’t be here’. His response was just about the most fantastic thing I have ever experienced/seen in my life. He sort-of-laughed, stopped and said in that real serious Cas!voice “Excellent. That's exactly where you want your friends to be” and then smiled real big and giggled and afk;hjia;fklal;fjkajgl;kj OMFGOD AMAZING.


Now excuse me while I die, because nothing in this life can ever be as great as that. And can I just say, from this moment forward, I am a complete and utter Misha fangirl. Honestly, there is nothing short of great about this man, and the fact that he did that really seriously means so much. I guess when I did it with Jensen I didn’t do it like that, but I was still so grateful and I can’t wait to give it to Kate to see her reaction. :D

Went back to my new seat to watch Brock’s panel, which was really cute, I thought. The poor guy is clearly a newbie when it comes to cons (first in the states and only second con ever) and he really didn’t understand the concept of dragging out an answer and playing up a story to the crowd. But no matter, he was adorable. There were a lot of Pokémon references made though, because of his name (which I thought was awesome and lol’d a lot) but that annoyed some people and they actually said so on mic. I couldn’t believe it, but Brock handled it really well, I thought, either choosing to not say anything or sort of acknowledging it with a nod before going on to the other side to answer the next question.
LOL right at the start of his panel though, because Jared and Misha were still signing autographs, apparently they were making fun of him or making people laugh in the line, because obviously you could hear him all through the ballroom. They were eventually shushed coz poor Brock couldn’t hear, and then when Jared left he was like “you be nice to him, you hear!” in that massive caveman voice of his.

LOL and apparently the audience fell in love when Brock said that he loved Buffy. I was like ‘oh dear Christ’ but it looks like it scored Brock points with the audience! As the fan said so herself!

After the panel the guy on the mic told everyone that they could head down to get their photo ops with Jared and then Misha and Jared, but they would have to clear the room because the hotel was now setting up for a wedding to be in the ballroom so it had to be empty. So everyone left to do their own thing - Brock had a nice line up of people that wanted his autograph, which made me really happy. I had a moment of contemplating whether I wanted to or not, and right now I’m kind of wishing I did, because at last his autograph is only $20 NOW whereas if he gets to title his own show he might be a lot more expensive the next time I see him at a convention. Also, he’s super fucking hot and to have gotten up close and personal with that? DO WANT. But oh well.

The photo op with Misha and Jared was great, though there was a second of panic there for a sec because I thought this massive long line that went through the entire hotel was for the duo photo op, but it was actually for Misha and I had thought that I was going to miss out on my duo op because Sophia had just come from hers and they were nearing the end. So I raced down and thankfully managed to check my hair in the mirror coz the stupid puff levels were getting ridiculous from the running around. I tell you what, being able to watch those two do retarded things for each of the photographs was just about the best way to end the day. There were a couple of really inventive and fantastic poses - my favourite was this one where one of the normal sized Chinese-heritage ladies wanted to be behind Jared and practically crawling over him with Misha all cut on the side, but the poor photographer wasn’t tall enough so he couldn’t take the shot until Jared bent down and kneeled until he was almost kneeling on the floor XDD; I kept thinking he was going to fall over because SRSLY it looked like an uncomfortable pose. XD;

I managed to keep my head this time and told them that I went to Winchester in TN and am wearing a shirt from *John’s* BBQ, so we all have to point at my shirt’s logo. They were like ‘yea, alright’ and they pointed and posed, BUT THEN I REALISED I DIDN’T GET ANY HUGS AND FML NUUUUUUUUUUUU I WANT TO HUG THEM BOTH. But the stupid people were like ‘no hugging!’ and I only got to touch them both as I kind of patted them goodbye. ;LAKLJFG;ALJG;LADJF SHIT!
Oh well, the photo is awesome and totally worth it. I *will* see Misha again one day and then I will glomp him like no one’s business.
I stayed with Sophia for her Misha photo because she needed someone to give her moral support, but I couldn’t really stay because again, they kept pushing people away if you weren’t in line to get photos (fair enough otherwise everyone would just mill around to watch Misha). But I did get to watch this one small Japanese girl have three photos with Misha and they were AWESOME! The first one Misha was hugging her from behind with his head resting on hers and the next she jumped around and HUGGED him and she didn’t really know what to do for the last one, but Misha [without missing a beat] just picks her up and holds her for the last photo. OMFGOD HOW JEALOUS AM I. And she was so surprised and actually walked away in a daze and looked like someone had just hit her over the head. Oh yes girl, that would be the appropriate fangirl response to Misha.

Anyway, after that I joined my new friends from the con and we went to get food while waiting for our photos to be ready. This was an interesting dinner, because I remember talking with two of the girls about real person slash and how the j2 shippers can be more than a little intense, and then they were like ‘oh yea, I have heard of this, there really are people that believe Jared and Jensen are together’ and the other didn’t know anything about it. I was like “ARE YOU NEW?!?!?!” srsly, I’m not even that involved with fandom and *I know*. Lol, srsly. But I guess there are people out there that have ethics or something because they’re too good for RPS (even though they read gossip magazines and obviously that’s a totally different story *rolls eyes*).
The dinner was good though and after we got a group photo and Sophia realised she was sitting across from the people that founded a really popular SPN fangirl site, we left to go back to the hotel. I picked up my pictures and had a look through some of the others (I took quick sneaky pictures of some of the photos because they were so golden that I couldn’t leave without having some evidence of their epicness - my favourite was this one of two girls, one who was just hugging Jared and the other was ‘pretending’ to make out with Misha in the back, with Misha’s hand covering her mouth and everyone. Omfgod I was so in awe of that photo because it was GOOD and if I had the story of ‘Misha held his hand over my mouth and pretended to make out with me’, I would be the happiness fangirl in the universe. Taking not for next time) before hugging Patrick and Sophia goodbye and walking to the station.

You’ll never guess - as soon as I walked out of the hotel, the most intense wave of ‘post con depression’ hit me and I pretty much cried the entire way back to my hosts house. Yes, I was sitting on the train, tears running down my face, and I couldn’t decide if it was because I was sad or because I was elated that I got to experience such a fantastic weekend and my fandom life really is complete now because nothing compares to the SPN actors when it comes to pleasing the fans. There were definitely a few angry tears there too though, for the people that were assholes about the autograph thing. By the time I got back though I was good, and settled down to watch some of Naruto before I started falling asleep on the couch again and so went and into my room and used the computer for awhile before going to sleep.

Leaving Chicago was more stressful than it should have been. I woke up in time to say goodbye to the people hosting me and then muddled my way through a shower and getting dressed and packing up my stuff, while using the computer the entire time. Then I realised that I would need more than an hour to get to the bus stop and that it was almost 11am and FUUUUUUUUUUUU so I hurried out to the bus stop and took it to the station, but once I was inside and waiting for the train I realised that it would probably take awhile to get to the stop I needed and I might not make it in time. So I asked someone how long it would be and they said 40mins and it was already 11:30 (bus left at midday). So I was fretting about what to do, because I didn’t want to get a taxi from here and have it potentially cost more than it would to just go online and buy another ticket, but I didn’t want to miss my bus because having to wait around unnecessarily is annoying. So once I got on the train [DD: that immediately got overcrowded!] I decided I would get out a stop or two before the loop/city centre part and get a taxi to Union station and run to wherever the stop was from there. And what the fuck do you know, someone is looking after me because when I turned up at Union (only having spent $8 to get there on time), the bus had not left yet. It was across the street and I rang like a lolarious crazy person for it, but people were still queuing up to be let on, so thank fucking god for that. I got on and managed to secure a seat where there was a table and took out my laptop in the hopes of starting this (but the power wasn’t working for some reason, so I took a nap until we got to our first stop at Madison and I tried to find where the power would actually work). Across the aisle did so I just jumped over and spent the remaining six hours typing up this. And what do you know, I managed to get 7000 or so finished on the bus, but as of finishing this it is 20,500 words. HOLY. FUCKING. SHIT! You know I have to write a fanfiction for spnslashbigbang that is due 1st Nov and I have done nothing and it has to be about this length. There is no way I can write this much in less than two weeks though, fml. Ahh well.... and as I sat on the returning bus, I realised that I have forgotten my fucking poster. Godfuckingdamnit, I *knew* I was missing something when I left this morning! Ahh well, at least I can probably pick it back up when I head back down for the Star Trek convention. ^^;


EDIT: photos are up online now, at my photobucket

people are interesting, immature? who's immature?, fangirl, lolz, slash, i see famous people, cosplay, supernatural is made of superwin, unf, awesomeness, silly goose, cheer up emo kid, reminising, squeegasmic, conventions, happy happy joy joy

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