This is going to be a huge fangirly account of what my weekend was like and how fucking amazing it was. Definitely one of the best conventions I have ever been to in my life, and I have never met such fantastic people to share it with. And when I say ‘huge’ I mean, I have to split it into two posts because its 20,000+ words and I have NEVER written so much in such a short space of time IN MY LIFE.
To skip through the boring stuff - I got the megabus down from Minneapolis Thursday night and arrived almost half an hour early Friday, which actually freaked me out a lot because the bus is NEVER early! It also meant that I had about four hours before the convention would even open (not what I knew at my time of arrival), but decided to find out where the blue line train station was so I could start making my way out there. I found it without too much difficulty or worry, even though it was still dark as hell and this crazy person (i.e., me) was walking around the middle of the city with no real idea where I was going, until I managed to pull out the wee piece of paper that had all of my info on it for how to get to the convention hotel. I managed to find the station and got on the train, after a slight fangirl spazz about how LOL the Chicago underground stations look. I am certain that I have seen a movie that has a scene that centres around the one that I was in (or one that looked like it), I couldn’t stop grinning. It was a nice way to wake up after not many hours of sleep and be introduced to Chicago.
In any case, it took about an hour to get out to the airport, which is right near where the hotel was. I had a slight issue with walking over to the hotel because I didn’t know if the road actually went that way (shut up, it’s not as stupid question as it sounds - the highway ran right over the road so I thought that they might not have a sidewalk). And then crossing over said highway to get the hotel was lots of fun, because there is no walking button thing to press to get the walking signal to activate, so running across eight lanes of traffic as soon as there was a gap was *so* much fun. Ahem.
Anyway, got directed to where the convention would be taking place, but this is where I realised it wouldn’t be open until at least 9/10am and it was currently 7:30 or something, so I just went over to the couches in front of the Ballroom and lay down to rest. Eventually I noticed that they seemed to have opened up and I went to change my ticket over and got my silver pass, then immediately asked where you could buy Jensen autograph tickets and went to get two. Unfortunately you had to pay cash (omfgod, nearly passing out time) and so I had to go find the ATM that was down the other end of the hotel to withdraw enough money to pay for it. So I did that and then came back, handed over my soul more money than I care to remember/recount, and had a short conversation with the guy that was sitting there selling them, because he saw me sleeping “on the ground” earlier that morning. I wanted to tell him that I was actually on the couch, but I reckon he knew that and just misspoke. In any case, I just said that I didn’t sleep much last night having come in on the bus and was all fucked up from trying to sleep on said bus.
Then I went to have a look at what you could buy in the Vendor room, which was only just open. There was one girl with a stand of random gothic stuff and a few ‘I’m a Dean Girl’ pins/buttons/bottle cap thingies and the comic books, etc. Wasn’t really interested because my wallet was practically screaming at me still from the Jensen autographs and I had to make sure I was only getting things that I wanted/needed. So I moved on to the next lady that was selling an awesome Star trek/Big Bang Theory shirt that took me a second to realise, because it had ‘Revenge is best served cold’ in Klingon as well as English and the main character kind of looking a lot like Kirk, but I knew that it wasn’t *lol, nerd*. I looked through her autograph book and then her pictures that she had available and then moved on, because I really didn’t care all that much about the few things that she had.
The next vendor had a massive table full of shirts and posters for sale, and of fucking course the first thing I think is ‘FFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU’. And the Sam/Dean posters were fucking fine as and I had been hoping to get one at the poster sale a few weeks back, so I knew that there was no way I was not going to be leaving without one. The problem was the shirts though, because I WANTED THEM ALL, but my two favourite designs really weren’t on shirts that I liked (i.e., they were white or had stupid long sleeves), so I only ended up getting one - the SPN crow one that looks awesome! I also got a fantastic Sam/Dean poster :D
Moving on to the last table, she was the one that had all of the autographs for things not SPN related, and blank pictures that you could buy to get the stars to sign them. I was constantly running back and forth between this table and the ‘official’ one (they had pictures for signing directly from the show), whereas she had ones from Jensen/Jared/Misha’s other roles and modelling stuff. I ended up buying one of Misha’s and one of Jared’s AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL photos from her, and then got all my others from the official table - for ‘Dean’, ‘The Ghostfacers’, ‘Cas’, ‘Gabriel’, ‘Young John W’, ‘Jake’, ‘YED’ (aka Fred) and ‘Crowley’ (though Crowley I had to buy on Saturday because they didn’t have any there for him on Friday and I really didn’t want to get him to sign any from his other shows, because I had only seen him in SPN. And his beard looks fug in Stargate).
Around this time (in the vendor room), I made a new friend that would become my companion for the rest of the weekend. Her name is ‘Sophia’, she is from Germany (in the US on holiday) and is a MASSIVE Misha Collins fangirl. We started talking over the photos and then just started hanging out from there - when I went back over to buy my poster/shirt, she was there and laughed that I couldn’t resist getting a poster of the boys. Then we went off together so she could get her own pictures to be signed (and this is when I realised that I really could not remember who the fuck was giving complimentary signings this weekend). That took ages and then it was practically time for Matt’s panel. I do believe that this was the only time that I actually sat in my assigned seat, was for Matt Cohen’s (Young John Winchester) first panel. It wasn’t too bad of a seat, and I got some pretty good photos of Matt. But my god, his panel was so fantastic. The fangirls really do not give him enough credit for how awesome he is - it’s not just that this was my first live experience of a SPN panel, but he was so great with the crowd and the fangirls and really made me laugh plenty of times.
Some of the things that I can’t really remember off the top of my head and had to steal from the
ontd_spnparty con summary post (yes, I really am suffering from fangirl overload, because Friday seems like a blur!); he’s a fan of cake (favourite = red velvet with cream cheese. Sounds positively revolting) with lots of frosting because he loves sugar more than anything else on earth. He thinks he will solve all the worlds’ problems XDD; Quote: “Sugar is like the best thing on earth! When life gets bad, eat some sugar” LOL Matt. And apparently when not on set he sits in his trailer ... staring at himself. xDD; then he proceeded to do the ‘Michael’ stare into the mirror. Though I think this is where he kind of told a serious story in a not so serious way about his acting and using Teh Stare to get into character. Later on he admitted that he’s become a fan of the show after having played in it and has been keeping up with the show since he left. Getting got play Michael was an awesome opportunity as an actor, because it had not yet been done - someone playing an archangel and he pretty much ran with it and loved every second of it. Because he is a method actor, when he did this horror movie of his (way back when he was just starting his acting career), he wanted to find out what it was really like to go insane, so he didn’t eat for three days and just lived on coffee. He doesn’t recommend it, because as soon as the shot was done they had to hurry him to the hospital and put him on a drip for dehydration and starvation, etcetc. So he recommended that no one try that, because drinking water is important and so is food. XDD;
Anyway, someone asked him about which role he would love to do and he said ‘Captain Jack’, except that Johnny Depp did such a great job that he didn’t think he would come close. xDD; he did a really awesome fangirl impersonation of getting to meet Johnny Depp and being all “*high-pitched squealing* OH MY GOD, JOHNNY DEPP” and said that he would love to play Capt Jack’s wench in an upcoming movie because, you know. That would be fun. XDD;; he also would like to play Superman. Or Batman. Or the Joker [except no one could possibly do any better than Heath]. Then there was this running joke throughout the weekend that Matt would really get into the role of Clark Kent/Superman and at Saturday’s panel he would come in with the Superman glasses and part his hair on the other side or something, but he forgot. xDD;
Back to Matt’s Friday panel though and its awesome epic win, he got onto the subject of Pie, because someone said that, as a Winchester, he had to like pie and therefore what was his favourite flavour. Oh god, his reply - “if you’re having a hard time expressing yourself, eat a piece of pie.” LMFAO Matt, your life quotes are amazing. And then he went all spazzy about having to choice his favourite, and said that he had a chocolate chip pie recently and that it was ~amazing~ (I think my spleen promptly keeled over in sympathy pain) and that his favourite fruit pie is ... all of them. XDDD;
Matt’s craziest fangirl experience is so lol. He was all a;lgkj;aflkjgaldkjf;alj I don’t want to tell you because omg *blushes like hell* haha, so cute. And then he was all like “I had this one ... girl ... that wanted me to ... take her virginity...” *insert screwed up looking face here* and of course everyone started whistling and screaming and laughing. Matt’s next comment (when he realised there were young’uns in the audience “And by virginity, I mean first kiss. Obviously” XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD; *cries with laughter* I expect this to become a trend at future cons. Oh matt!
This was followed by someone asking him if he could do accents and he said that he really couldn’t do any, except for a southern accent. He then went into this whole [hilariously awesome] routine about how all you have to do that though is just slooooow down your voice and kind of speak in a drawl, and then he started doing this amazing Southern Priest impression that I managed to record and lolololol, “FEEL THE POWER, FEEL THE POWER!” so hilarious. And the next question was ‘if you could invite three people to dinner, living or dead, who would they be’ and he chose Jeffery (the guy who plays John Winchester in the show), Marilyn Monroe and Abraham Lincoln. He then was like “WHAT WOULD WE TALK ABOUT” XDDD
In the choice of having to breathe like Darth Vader for the rest of his life, or talk like Yoda, he would take Yoda over Vader any day. He did this awesome thing where he kind of combined the two and was like *mic real close to mouth* *sucks in long breath* *funky way Yoda talks* (can’t remember what he said). And THEN he said that he was going to Rick Roll everyone tonight at Karaoke, and I was like NUUUUUUUUUUU YOU CAN’T! I’M NOT GOING TO BE THERE! *sadface* it really makes me wish that I had stayed in someone’s hotel room (i.e., Sophia’s because she offered). After Matt said that though, half of the audience and he started signing the ‘never gonna give you up’ part of the song. Haha, such brilliance.
For about five seconds Matt was serious enough to give this really amazing speech about John Winchester and what kind of father he is - because someone asked if he really did think (irl) the same as his character did in that episode where Dean meets him. And he actually defended John and said that John was just a guy that was trying to do the best he could with the powers that he had - which is the same for all of us. He then responded to the question ‘who makes you star struck’ that the fans do more than any actor, because we’re the ones that take the time to come and appreciate and it really does make him star struck. Awww, I really think that is what sold me in my newfound love for him.
One of the girls in line asked if he knew what ‘the jerk’ was, and I am pretty sure Matt’s first thought was along the same lines as mine (i.e., that thing males do), and not any kind of dance move that I’ve ever heard of. But she got up on stage and showed him how it was done and LMFAO the way Matt imitated was *hilarious*. And it was brilliant in the way that you get a perfectly good excuse to stare at his arse beautiful back, because the way that it moves during that dance is obscene in how fucking hot it was.
Then the girl that would become infamous throughout the convention for her question ‘if you had to be killed by a zombie, veloceraptor or shark, which would you chose?’ this was actually really fantastic in Matt’s case, I wish I had thought to record it. He did this fantastic veloceraptor impression where he was all ‘RAWR’ and swinging his arm around like a claw and bending down like the veloceptar looks, and he would then slash his arm out like a claw and it just went on like that. FUCK there are no words. Seriously, something you had to see to appreciate how fucking awesome it was. Then he went on to say that at least with zombies, you get to die... but then you come back! As a Zombie and are all ‘aahhhh *zombie hands*’. He then went on to be all ‘what if I came back as Yoda disguised as Marilyn Monroe doing the jerk dance!’ XDD and then he proceeded to do his impression of Yoda disguised as Marilyn, twirling around and speaking in Teh Gay Voice. And for some reason he was like, ‘the edges of my dress can be like razor blades and I’ll be all hiyah! *twirls and acts like he just killed someone with his killer moves*’ XDDDD oh god, there are no words for that amount of perfection. (eventually he decided that he would like to be eaten by a zombie)
Somewhere in there someone asked if he had any behind the screen hook-ups, and he was like ‘NO!’ and went on to explain that on the very first movie shoot that he did, he met this woman that would go on to become his wife, and six years later they are still together. Cue Awwww~~ and then Matt was like ‘oh yea, so I guess that was a hook-up’ xDDD; and when asked about the best piece of advice he’s ever gotten, it was from his father, who said “don't start something you're not gonna finish”. Then he recounted this story about how, when he was about eight, and they had these really old used microwaves for some reason and they were covered in crap on the inside ‘like ten million soups had exploded in there’ and his little eight year old self was so excited when they first saw them, because he was all like “dad! I’m gonna clean this up for you and I’m gonna help you out and make them shine!” (his ten yr old self impression is so cute). But then, after five minutes, nothing was coming off and he acted like a little sulking kid that was all ‘*whine* it’s not coming off *half-hearted attempted to scrub something*oh stuff it *leaves* xDDD; and that’s when his dad apparently told him that. His little eight yr old self was in awe. And that’s apparently why/how he’s stuck with acting, because you have to be able to stick with it (since acting is so brutal and full of ‘people that hate you and reject you for everything’ - his words). Apparently the way he sold his switch to acting to his father like this ‘you know dad, I’m just going to take a couple of years off, I’m not quitting, I just want to take some time off to *find myself* and figure out what I really want to do’. LOL seven years later ... XDD;
The fangirls brought up the J2 pranks on set, but Matt said that they had never played any on him. He said how they always bring this prank thing up at the cons but he’s never got a story to tell. He said that the reason they didn’t prank him is because “I am their father!” XDD; but his bucket list is: Ride a camel, win an Oscar, and have a real joke played on him by J2. Aww~
And then he went on to explain just how scared he was of spiders, when someone asked about an irrational fear of his. He did the most brilliant impression of himself throughout this story of when he was in Oregon visiting his grandparents and had decided to go running in the good ol’ country air one morning, went outside, barefoot and went to go put his shoes on when he noticed this half-a-pine cone shaped thing beside his shoes. He thought to himself that he would just kick it out of the way, but as soon as he did voomp! *insert spread hands the size of his head* *cat hissing sound* the spider opens up like ‘THIS’ and he was all ‘I swear to god it was the size of my face!’ and then acted out his screaming, flailing, girly reaction till I was crying with laughter. His shirt and pants and shoes were flung off in every direction because the spiders was *on me* (when it really wasn’t, it was like, ten feet away by that point XDD). In the end he was in his boxers on the front porch, with his grandparents inside, having watched the whole thing and just looked on in amusement. XDDD; oh matt, I think I love your grandparents.
Finally, near the end, Matt mentioned that he *almost* got to play Sam Merlotte’s little brother, and that he has had a paranormal experience in the shower. I don’t think he expanded on that though, despite his usual habit of ‘blabbering’ XD (his words). He also wanted to get through the last couple of questions really quickly so he could get through as many as possible. He called it acting like they were ‘speed dating questions’ and thus having to answer quickly. Haha, after he stopped himself from ‘babbling’ through that first ‘speed dating’ question, he was like “right, speed dating, gotta be quick’ and then checked himself - “no, not like speed dating. I’m sorry, not actual speed dating, ok?” (said to fan). Haha, he’s hilarious, and a fantastic way to end the panel.
After the panel Sophia and I were both starving so we bought food from the overpriced hotel cafe thing and had lunch together out in this little park down the road from the hotel, and sat in the sun and just enjoyed being outside with it not raining. Various topics were talked about, though they have since been fangirled/squeed/liquefied from my brain, so I couldn’t tell you much of anything. Around 2:30pm though, we headed back for Jason’s panel. This is when Sophia told me that I should migrate up to her seat, because the one next to it was empty and then I would be sitting in gold with her for the rest of the weekend! So I did. :D haha, even though I still only had a silver pass and therefore couldn’t go to the Gold Only events, I spent the entire weekend just *that* much closer to the stars. And when you experience with people you like, it really is just that much more awesome. :D
I will admit though that Sophia’s commentary throughout everything took a little getting used to. More so because I had a hard time hearing Jason and then later I would have to use my hearing filter to just concentrate on what the stars were saying instead of what people were talking about around me, because I can’t listen to two things at once
So, Jason’s panel. It was interesting, because I had to be reminded that he was the one that actually had the ‘douchey’ music that Sam had been listening to on his iPod in the impala at the start of season 4, and apparently he is also friends with Jensen? Anyway, he told the story of how he managed to get his music on the show - that Eric had apparently asked him for a CD of his work (once he realised he was a musician and that he was also liked by some of the cast [? Don’t quote me on that]) and Jason actually told Eric that he thought that his music wasn’t quite along the same theme/wouldn’t really fit in with the show, because his stuff is all love ballads and such, whereas SPN is obviously classic rock. He said that when they eventually did get his stuff on the show, along with the joke that was made, he actually really appreciated it because it meant that Kripke had remembered what he had said and that had made it into the show.
There is obviously a lot more here, but no one put any details up on twitter that I can see, so I can’t really remember much. I think the zombie/velocraptor/shark question was there (I think he chose velocraptor ‘which is the right answer because it’s what [the question asker] would do). I know questions were asked about his music tastes and if he follows the show and what else he’s watching this season. But I was still on a high from the awesome of Matt, so I don’t really remember =\ I do remember that the music videos that were shown after the panel (the ones that won the contest the convention was running) was super fucking awesome. We didn’t stay for the auction for some reason I don’t really remember, except that we found out the hotels’ Business Centre had computers we could use for free and also PRINT FOR FREE. Thank god. So we jumped on those and I facebooked and checked my emails, making sure to rub it in people’s faces that THEY WEREN’T HERE, HA HA! *is evil*
Except my first facebook post was “A Supernatural convention: the easiest way to spend all your scholarship money. WELL. WORTH. IT!” in reference to the fact that I had bought posters and pictures and shirts, etc. I really didn’t know just how *much* I would be spending over the weekend, but that comes later.
Just before Richard’s panel was about to start, Sophia and I went back into the Ballroom to take our seats. I think this is the first time I started sort-of paying attention to the people on Sophia’s right (whom Sophia had already befriended). But then Richard came out and OMG this guy, there aren’t words. The first thing he does is jump off stage and walk down to where all the general/preferred people were sitting, and ended up pulling one of the girls out of general and putting her up with her friends who were sitting in Gold. LOL he was almost going to drag one of them back to take her seat, and went on about how her friends were terrible because she has flown all the way from Australia (or something) but her friends couldn’t buy her a gold ticket?! Haha. THEN. OMG THEN. He asked who was here from overseas and a couple of people shouted out - Australia (not me), Barcelona, and Germany (Sophia). And so Richard came right up to us, right behind Sophia (OHMYFUCKINGGOD, I COULDN’T DECIDE WHAT TO DO WITH MYSELF) and started talking to her about... something. I think it was why would she come from Germany for this convention, and Sophia was like ‘why wouldn’t I?’ and Richard was like ‘fair enough’ LOL. Sophia felt bad because she thought she had been rude and apologised to him later for it when she got her things signed.
Then he went back up onstage and started to talk about his acting and yelled about how ‘I die in everything I do!’ and he mentioned that his favourite ‘death’ scene in SPN was the one where the Pagan Gods kill him (in s5). Someone then started to ask him a deep question about the mythology of the show or something, but Richard decided to be awesome and had to pause to take a giant sip of Pepsi Max, whilst doing his utmost to thrust out his chest and show off the Pepsi logo on his chest as well as the one on the bottle he was drinking out of. XDD haha, such brilliance. Later on, he also would take time out to pause and be like ‘damn, its hot on stage here!’ and took off his jersey to reveal ... he’s wearing a Pepsi max shirt. XD; and then LATER he stopped again to take off his shirt and he had *another* Pepsi shirt underneath that. Hahaha, oh god, the screams that were had. And Sophia/company definitely had the right idea - he would be getting a *huge* bonus from all this advertising he was doing for Pepsi. And, speaking of Pepsi, he took the time out to mention that the Pepsi facebook page had been going off with comments from people being all “OMG ITS GABRIEL” and the bosses were all “whut?” and then realised that it was from that show, and this other character that he plays. Haha, and he said that this new follow up ad that he just finished shooting ~apparently~ shh, it’s a super sekrit may be edited together to be even more Gabriel/Trickster-like. ^^; AWESOME! Can’t wait to see it.
The lady that asked the ‘three people you would invite to dinner’ question got an answer of ‘Robert E. Lee, Abraham Lincoln, and Jimi Hendrix’ when she said that Matt had already chosen Abraham Lincoln, he said that Abraham would chose his dinner party anyway. xD; apparently he and one of the others would already have something to talk about and bond over? IDK, these American references, I don’t understand them. Anyway, he went on to talk about his acting as Gabriel, how it was his favourite he’s ever done and that he would do it again in a heartbeat (he would love to come back in s6 as Gabriel). Later on he said that he should reappear in a porno and just bust out of the screen, Ring style. XDD OMG CAN YOU IMAGINE?!?! *wants so hard it hurts a little*
He loved the last scene that he did - the one with Lucifer who ended up killing him (D:). He also thinks that Gabriel likes Dean more than Sam (I don’t remember why he thought that?) but LOL the reaction from the crowd on that one. ‘whoo’s and ‘haa!’s were shouted and Richard definitely played up to it. XD; and then he told this amazing story about this one time that he got to read with Tom Hanks (omfgod!) and it came about because Tom was at the same place for something different (?) but he liked the idea of the script or what they were doing and he said for someone to give him a script, but they only had Richards’ copy so he handed it over. He said that he was kind of nervous then, because he had just given up his safety net - the thing you love as an actor is your script so that you can glance down at it just in case you need to. But he managed to get through the entire thing without screwing up once and Tom Hanks actually complimented him at the end saying he did a great job. Now that is fucking AMAZING! I was in super awe right there, such an amazing guy. *_*
After that panel, I started to debate about whether or not I wanted to get the duo photo with Matt and Richard (though I think at the time I was debating about getting a solo with Richard, because of how awesome that panel was, and that it would be awesome to have a photo with ~the Pepsi angel~ XD) and it turned out that the duo photo op was only $59 when the singles were $45 and $50 for Matt and Richard respectively, so I immediately jumped on it. Like an idiot, even though I really shouldn’t have been spending any more money. Then I had to get downstairs so I could get in line for the photo op, taking three seconds to go into the bathroom to check my reflection so that I didn’t look completely retarded for the photo shoot. And then I couldn’t think of anything cute/funny to do, so I just hugged both of them and I am an idiot. But the photo turned out really nice, so I’m not complaining. (pretty Matt is soooooo pretty!)
Then we had the complimentary autograph signing for the gold/silver/preferred weekend patrons, and they were calling row by row ... except that I really needed to get out of there by 7pm so that I could catch the train to Cumberland station and meet my couchsuring host there, who would be picking her son up from nearby and thus could also pick me up and take me to their place. I had been told earlier in the day that I could just go up and tell the person in charge at the time I needed to go and that they would let me just jump in line, which is what happened. I was told to jump at the end of the line as it was, just before he called up for the next row to go up for signing (which was row E or something, and that had taken them an hour already D:). I managed to actually say what I wanted to say to Richard, which was ‘he should get Pepsi to show that ad everywhere in the world, because I only saw it when I came here and if I had known beforehand ... I may have converted before I had to come to the US’. He was amused by this, so it seemed, and made some non-committal remark about having to ‘get on that’ XD; he did find it interesting that I had to come to the US to see it and that I would actually be converted by the ad, so that was cute. Haha, oh Richard.
Matt was on the other side and I really didn’t know what to say to him. I think I made some stupid, generic comment about thanking him and how it was fantastic to finally meet/see him and that he needs to come out to Australia. I think he mentioned that he had been to Australia or that the convention goes to Australia, but I was like ‘yea, to Sydney *contempt*’, which was crap because it’s not Brisbane and that they need to come to Brisbane. LOL he smiled at me and that’s all I care about. *swoon*
And this is where I ran away and got my train back one station so I could meet my host and get driven to where they live. After a few changes of plan, we were finally all good and she was impressed with my ability to ‘pack light’ (since I only had my backpack and bag XD). I ended up eating some really awesome leftovers that they had (nacho chips + chicken and salsa, etc) and watch Naruto with the boys until I fell asleep at the couch and then went to shower and sleep, because I was bushed.
I woke up a little bit late the next morning, because I really should have been gone by 9o’clock, but I didn’t even get out of bed by then. I did get breakfast given to be though (shake! And English muffin!) and dressed and got ready as quickly as my muddled brain would allow and was out of the house by 9:40 or something. Unfortunately that meant that I just had to sit and wait for the bus that only came at 10am. Fred’s panel started at 10:05 and I remember sitting on the bus being like ARGH HURRY THE FUCK UP I WANT TO LISTEN TO MOAR YELLOW EYED DEMON TALK! Unfortunately I didn’t get into the panel until almost 10:30, and I was all sadface that I didn’t get to see most of the panel. I did get to see him answer a request for a ‘final dance’ before it was over (lol). But I knew that he would be signing things later so I was really excited about that :D
We stayed seated until Aldis’ panel (in the same section of gold that I was yesterday - woot for people paying for seats and not showing up! :D) and chatted a little with the people on the other side of Sophia about various SPN things. There was also trivia: Stump the Experts which was pretty hilarious, because the first group of 3 experts only got one question right and they kept getting bagged out by the guy with the mic. Expect that the questions because asked were insanely and extremely random and hard, so I don’t blame them for getting them wrong (since I knew the answer to exactly none of them). Then a second group of three went up and they did slightly better (got two questions right instead of just one) but people were still stumping them and getting prizes for doing so, so that’s awesome for them. I believe after this they showed another music video that was pretty awesome. It made way for Aldis’ entrance and OMFGOD his panel, so much love. The first thing he does when he got out on stage was call Matt out on his crap dancing the night before (because apparently Matt would always be one beat off when doing the Jerk, or something XD) and challenged Matt to a dance off. LOLOLOL bless him. For serious, so much win. And even though there were a lot of ‘Leverage’ following this, I kind of love the idea of this whole thing - especially this ‘Leverage’/‘Supernatural’ crossover idea. Because there is no way I’m typing up another 3 pages of shit you can probably find on YouTube or in the spn party post, I’m just going to focus on my favourites from here out.
On the SPN end, Aldis said that he really enjoyed beating up Jared and that ‘without Jake killing Sam, the gates of Hell would never have opened, and we wouldn't have had season 3. We're welcome’ LMFAO I LOVE YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS ALDIS, SRSLY. But then, Matt came down at this point and joined Aldis on the stage. And proceeded to have their dance off. It was glorious and amazing in every way you could imagine, yes. First though, Matt had to teach Aldis ‘the jerk’ and was all “you do realise dude that I only learnt this move yesterday?” XDDD; but to do the dance off they had to have music. Someone started to play one of the very SPN songs that we had (ACDC I believe) and then Aldis was like ‘nonononooo, you have to have rap for this, man!’ and proceeded off the back of the stage to ‘figure out the music’ XDD; unfortunately it turned out that they didn’t have any rap to speak of, so he had to improvise and used the audience to just chant ‘teach me how to jerk, teach me how to jerk’ and then he and Matt did the jerk for all of us. And I think Aldis broke out his favourite move, which is the ‘professional/leon’ (whatever that is?)
Matt left just after that and then Aldis realised that Matt had totally interrupted a question a fan had been in the middle of asking, so he was all ‘I’m sorry, that was so rude. Blame it on Matt, it’s all his fault. We’ll blame it all on him’ XDDD; I think she asked what he was doing now and he said that he was actually writing a pilot for a comedy show that is keeping him busy (which I think is really cool!) also on things Aldis is inventing - apparently he is designing a watch? He has the patent and has put the design together with someone else and now (after six months or so) they are currently in the stages of manufacturing a prototype, which will take another six or so months. But by that time he will have something tangible that he can give the go ahead to for production, which he is really excited about. Aww, that’s so awesome!
His final story was to tell us this hilarious story about his craziest fan encounter. It was this one time when he was out with his mother at a nice restaurant and this really short girl from a few tables over started screaming and jumping up and down. He was really confused and kind of freaked out about it, because this short girl (he mimed her head being around his chest) was clearing heights of over his head, she was so excited. Hahaha, and eventually he realised that she was screaming about how much she loved his character and that she loved him on SPN and then he really enjoyed it, and his mother was very proud ... but yea, that initial reaction was one of ‘wtf do I do with this crazy lady’ XDD (my interpretation, not what he actually said). I’m pretty sure it finished right after this, and he apologised coz he didn’t realise how close they were to the end of the time, and he was like ‘it was because I did the ... [dance off]’ and then ‘blame it all on Matt’ XDD;
Now I could go and get Fred’s autograph!! Waiting in the line for Fred’s autograph was kind of interesting, because the people behind me were having pretty lol conversations. There was a woman that was affected by the murder of her son (?) and some fangirl discussion about this convention and others, etc. I chimed in when they talked about all the Japanese girls that had turned up at the Con, and were speaking about how it would be to experience the show with subtitles, and something about how annoying it must be. I decided my expertise in watching subtitled Japanese anime would be of use and told them that since you already know your own language, having to read it along the bottom of the screen is actually not all that bad. It also depends on your knowledge of English, but it’s not usually a big inconvenience. Anyway, I had to stop myself several times from just blatantly staring or joining in, because it was kind of interesting. XD;
So yes, I finally got to the front of the line and gave the woman my ticket for the signature and placed my picture down on the table. Fred was making sure to take his time with each person who came up to him, and I thought that was really sweet. The people in front of me - one of them (a 14yr old or so) had apparently written a supernatural episode and Fred was lovely about it - told her that she should send it to Kripke. In my head I couldn’t help but think about what my friends and I think about 14yr writing and how it should never see the light of day. But anyway, I still thought it was really sweet, and Fred signed the back of the book in which she had written that episode (I think). The lady in front of me had apparently seen him before? I can’t remember, but I couldn’t help but stare in awe at this man who made sure to take thirty seconds to shake your hand, actually look at you and make conversation, before actually signing anything and you having to move on.
When it was my turn, I moved over my picture and then shook his hand (it was a little awkward because I was all *flail I’m holding something* but I did manage to say ‘nice to meet you’ or ‘hi Fred’ (brain overloaded and I honestly can’t remember which) and then he commented on my sweater/hoodie, my ‘I ♥ London’, asking if I was actually from London. I told him no, that I was from Australia and studying in Minneapolis (I think) and he was like ‘ahhh! I thought so, because that doesn’t sound like a London accent’. I laughed, because it really is that thing where the poor Americans just get all confused. xD; he even said as much - while I was giggling, he commented saying “you’re just trying to confuse us American’s that can’t tell the difference!” I think this is where he went to sign his picture, and I wanted to make sure I could get my own comment [that I had rehearsed] in before I left, and I mentioned how, when I found out that the YED would be returning, my inner fangirl kind of died a little, but my inner writing was flailing about because I couldn’t wait to see how they did it. /writer geek moment (basically) Fred smiled and said something I can’t remember, probably ‘thank you’ and shook my hand again and told me to have a nice day, and that he would see me again. I was like ‘DEFINITELY YES’ and smiled, while walking away.
Walking away in a daze, I went in search of Sophia and found her either on the computer or in the ballroom and went to sit down for Matt, who gave a very amusing panel. The first thing he told us when he got up was that he was all “uuuuuuuuuuugggggggggggggghhhhh” from the party last night, because he didn’t get away until late, and that he apologised for just leaving without saying anything, because when he told Richard that he was going to take a second to say goodbye to everyone (since he still had to stay for the next day whereas Richard would be going home and could party for as long as he liked), Richard pounced on him and told him “no, no! Stay, you chicken and keep partying!” but this was around 1:30am or something and he did slip away soon after. Then he was saying how, because of yesterday, he woke up at 7am or something because he knew that everyone would be expecting him to be at the gym working out (apparently he looks fucking amazing when working out, and omg I would totally believe it and I am so fucking jealous of the lady that got to see him going at it yesterday) so he jugged a cup of coffee, got to his door, thought “nope” and then spent the next three hours or so in a ‘coffee coma’ in bed - where his mind was so tired and he wanted to go back to sleep, but his body was hyped up and wanted to stay awake, so he was kind of spazzing all over the place. And then of course at 11am or so, someone from Creation comes up, banging on the door telling him that Aldis is calling him out on stage. So he was all ‘ugh’ in his coffee coma not quite sure if he was hearing things (lol delusions of the coffee kind XD) but managed to get up and quickly jump in the shower and get changed to come down 20min later to join them. So he has had it a little bit rough and he apologised, but otherwise it was good to see everyone again. xD; aww, poor Matt.
From yesterday, he knew that he said that he was going to go get glasses and dress all Clark Kent, but instead he was stuck in that coffee-induced nightmare, so he really couldn’t XD; but he did answer questions about what he would do if he wasn’t an actor, and he said he’d be a Fighter (even though he’s not very good at it, lol) because he’s actually serious about it and has pins in his angle from injuries from fighting. Then he just started “jerking” [dance move] on stage, which pretty much killed every fangirls brain right there. I know that every time he talked about it, ever, I could not help but think of the other kind of jerking and when he would be talking about ‘jerking’ at Karaoke last night, I really kept getting the wrong visual in my head. Oh well, it’s a nice one XD; someone got him to do a Jensen and Jared impression, and omfgod, there are not words. I actually got this on video and ;AKGA;LKJGF AMAZING IMPRESSION IS AMAZING. He did Jensen with these super pouty lips and squinty eyes and was all “WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME” in that low, gravely, sexy voice that Jensen now does. And then his Jared, he rolled up the sleeve of his left arm and when he turned around, hunched over, did this awesome head flip thing [symbolising where Jared would overdo it so his hair would flare out] and then used his non-mic hand to pull his hair back behind his ear, and just posed then, flexing his muscle and “I don’t even have to say anything. I’m Jared” XDDDDDDDDDD!!!!
After that pout of hilarity, I think someone much have brought up sugar or pixie sticks again, because Matt then said this: “three foot Pixie Sticks are so good it's like someone came down from heaven and dropped them out of their suitcase.” LMFAO. And then I think it got correlated back to SPN by one of the angels bringing it down, because he then went on to say that “Anybody who doesn't like Supernatural doesn't make sense” LOL especially because “Jensen and Jared are two of the best” and that it was the perfect program because it has EVERYTHING you could ever want. And I definitely have to agree here *nodnod* oh Matt, you are so right. I think someone here must have asked for hugs and he gave them, and then was all “Cause that's what I do: I hug and I jerk” and I just about died. My fucking god Matt, context - it will not exist EVER for that phrase. XDD; and then he was asked about dogs vs. cats and he said that he loves dogs but his cat has kind of grown on him because they are quite lovely to cuddle up to, when they want to. But then he did this amazing impression of his cat, where he just slunk/strutting across the stage, did this thing where his body was angled real weird (as in, arse sticking out to the audience, shoulder twisted around so that half his torso was also facing the audience) and said “Feed me, and clean up my poop.” LFMAO. So that is his cat, in a nutshell.
(Matt also loves chick flicks because his favourite guilty pleasure is The Notebook. FUCK YES and I love that right after that he said that it was a great story told by two of the greatest actors and it gets him every time. My love for Matt promptly skyrocketed at this point).
He retold the spider story [at some point] but this time acted it out and included his inner monologue and OMFG it was the most hilarious thing ever. I’m annoyed that I had forgotten to charge my camera the night before, because I wanted to get it on video but I didn’t have enough if I still wanted to get pictures of the other guys that were coming on later D: but the panel was great nonetheless and I presume that there are video’s of it on the web, so I’m just going to move on (while still appreciating Matt’s greatness, because that man needs so much more than the fangirls are giving him, srsly).
I had wanted to go and get food in the time between Matt’s panel and the one at 2pm, which was the Ghostfacers! Travis and AJ, but I didn’t because I got distracted with the pretty videos and Sophia and I got talking and I think the English lady that runs the conventions over in Germany/Birmingham came over and the three of us got talking - something like that and I never got to go get food. Oh well, no matter, I can live without it XD;
Travis and AJ’s panel, omg, there are not words for how fucking amazing it was. They mentioned a few things that they have coming up (omg Travis is going to be in Zombie Hamlet apparently, which I am totally down with seeing if I get to see more of Hot As Fuck Travis). ALSOALSOALSO!!!!! Even though the guys “couldn’t talk about it” they did say that they were on the phone yesterday to someone about the Ghostfacers, so it looks like they will be back! They couldn’t/didn’t say whether it would be for the show or to have more webisodes, but THIS IS FUCKING FANTASTIC. YES YES YES!!! MOAR GHOSTFACES = BEST NEWS YET :DDDD
(did you know that they basically don’t have a budget to do Ghostfacers? They pretty much do it all for free, and they write it and shoot it on camcorder and everything is super low budget. So much so that they ended up editing in a CLOSET in the supernatural office. LMFAO OMG, THE UNINTENDED INNUENDO. I CAN’T EVEN - not to mention that their mascot was that teddy thing of the guy that died [I believe] and oh god, my brain, it can’t deal)
They did a ‘mishamishamisha’ dance when AJ said that Misha is one of the funniest people he’s ever met (I can verify, he most definitely is), because Misha worked with the Ghostfacers on a super sekrit episode that they shot and only showed in England I think, but they are getting the go ahead to release it to more people, which will be awesome. Apparently Misha was shown what they had in mind and then just showed up to shoot it, and everyone was just falling about laughing.
They were asked if they did any improv on the show and they CONCLUDED that usually they don’t and stick to the script for obvious reasons, but there were a few things that weren’t scripted that made it through to the final cut. Travis calling Jared ‘chisel chest’ wasn’t in the script and Jared laughed so hard at it he was actually rolling around on the floor and crying with laughter for like, 20 minutes. Oh god, what I wish I could have seen of that. But then AJ piped up saying that whenever he would be speaking to Jared, he would say all his lines TO HIS CHEST and would forget that he was supposed to be saying them to his face. xDD; he mimed out doing the bug-eyed stare at his chest and doing his lines, it was hilarious. XD;
Then they impersonated Sam and Dean, and omfgod, there are not words for how amazing this was. I was *crying* with laughter right here. They stood real close to one another and then AJ (Dean) stayed shouting out “Sam?! Saaam?” in a voice that sounded uncannily like Dean’s. But then, because Travis was supposed to be Sam and he’s about the same height as AJ, he went and got one of the shares and stood on the side of it so that he would be taller - and then AJ knelt down really low so that their height difference was almost half a metre or something XDDDDDDD;;;
A fan asked about what their take was on the fish in the backseat and what happened when they turned up in LA and Travis was like “I don’t think we could have NOT noticed the fish! We would definitely have found the fish!” haha, and then AJ was like ‘I think they put two and two together and came up with the Winchester brothers, and then they chucked the fish in the bucket and ate it for dinner. Raw!’ Travis: “it was my first experience with sushi. Hmm” AJ: “yea, and I got worms, it was just ...” LOLZZZZZ
Also: AJ wants to be Jared because he wants to know what it’s like to be a ladder. LMFAO!
Then they were talking about this time that Jared lifted up AJ because AJ was being a funny guy and then for some reason Jared decided to pick him up? IDK, but Travis was like “the crew went from ‘hahahaha, Jared!!’ to ‘OMG NO, JARED! PUT HIM DOWN!’ xDD lulz.
Apparently it was Travis’ birthday the day before? So we all sung Happy Birthday to him, which was really sweet. LOL AJ kept punctuating each line with “WHOOO!” XDD; and then he dropped the bombshell of ‘he just got engaged’ and all I remember thinking was ‘OMFGOD SO UNFAIR WHY IS HE TAKEN??!?!?!?!’ lol @ my brains’ first thought. But then Travis went all serious and deep and gave this really heartfelt speech about how the ‘Ghostfacers movement’ is really only been possible because of the support of the fans and us sticking with it, so thank us very much. Then AJ did this lolarious thing of saying “heart heart heart!” and did like an expanding hand motion to punctuate the hearts. And that we are the best fans ever :DDD Omfgod, so much awesome. He did it a couple more times but fucking damn I can’t remember why or when - but believe me when I said it was awesome.
The death by zombie/veloceraptor/shark question was asked, and even though people collectively groaned about it, I was kind of looking forward to the answer, because everyone so far had such a fabulous answer and lolarious way of getting to it. So of course the first thing that Travis does is
In the end they ended up with Veloceraptor, because that was one of the things on your bucket list - you know, ‘..., ..., get killed by a veloceraptor, and you’re dead’ BUT you’ve gotten to see one before you die, so that’s pretty darn cool. LOL the girl who asked was kind of impressed and was like “that’s the best logic I’ve heard so far” and their reply was “oh yes, when you want logic, you come to us” XDDDD; LULZ but only about things like getting killed by veloraptors. xDD; oh guys, you kill me dead. I honestly hope that someone put this whole panel up online, because there is so much more to this that I am forgetting, but that’s all I can find as prompts to remind me of their awesomeness.
Their panel was followed by their photo ops, so I went to pretty myself (which was kind of hard because I had forgotten that I had this photo op on Saturday and so didn’t wash my hair, and even though I didn’t really need to, I kind of felt like I had to work at trying to keep my hair from looking like half-a-fuzzball, but I shouldn’t have worried because it looks pretty good in the photo) for the camera and tried to think of something that would be unique to do (couldn’t think of anything coz I only thought of the Ghostfacers thing but I really didn’t want to do what half the rest of the people were doing). But I got on near the end of the line and after you put all your stuff down and go into the room, waiting in line for the shoot and getting to watch them do crazy things with each other and the people getting the photos was hilarious. There were a few people that did the Ghostfacer thing and a few that did quite unique shots. My favourite of those was just a few people before me, and these two girls were going up to get photos with both boys and they gave them mini moustaches to put on for the photo. Haha, the looks on their faces when they handed the moustaches to them. And then Travis put it on normally after a bit of sticking effort, but AJ decided to use it as a way to give himself a monobrow and LOLOL AMAZING, you have no idea.
Then when they got to me, the first thing I said was that I want something cool, but not something that had been done before. They boys kind of stopped for a second and were like ‘what hasn’t been done yet?’ and then Travis actually said “well I haven’t been on that side and you haven’t been on this side yet” AND THEY FUCKING CHANGED PLACES SO I COULD HAVE MY UNIQUE PHOTO ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
You have no idea how much that meant to me right then. My brain promptly went into shock that they could actually think of something so awesome and all I could think to do was stand there with one hand on my hip and grin like a fool. Meanwhile AJ pointed at Travis’ stomach and had an “OOHHHH” face on that is lolarious XD; Travis’ face is even better though - it’s a total “RAWR!” face that makes me want to squish him into the floor!!!!!!!!! <33333333333
I will continue with the rest of my squee