Christmas: Great. Boxing Day: Excellent. Holidays: Need Moar.

Dec 26, 2009 22:59

It is currently about 10:30pm on Boxing Day and I have done absolutely nothing today, except sit and watch Top Gear, some ironing and do a small stint of writing. It has been utterly blissful way to spend Boxing Day, as that show must be one of the greatest things to come out of the BBC (for god’s sake, I love it - and it’s a car show! And I absolutely bloody hate any kind of car-talk), and I got to see all the specials and the entire 12th Season today, so yay. Quite a productive way of spending my second day of holidays, don’t you think? XD

Speaking of holidays, I really wish they were going to be longer. But I suppose once they are over, I will be able to have my long away retardation-internet-webcam-flail with twisting_vine_x over STAR TREK! I honestly can’t wait - it was the only thing I wanted for Christmas (apart from tickets to Top Gear Live in Sydney, but I didn’t get those) AND I GOT IT! FUCKING YES! *JUMPS UP AND DOWN MADLY* I honestly can’t wait; I’ve put the DVD at my place at the table, so I can look at it every night until we can watch it together. LOL it’s going to be great - a crazy Canadian and a crazy Australian going absolutely fucking insane over a movie that’s about 2 hours long. ITS GONNA BE AWESOME!! =DDD

Oh, and in case anyone was wondering what is happening on the Merlin front (since most of my flist are from Merlin fandom), I am in the process of writing two fanfics, and goldslayer convinced me to do a crack!fic of my 2x12 spazcap (BECAUSE I AM WEAK AND CANNOT SAY NO), so those should be coming within the next week. I’m about to send out a beta request for my Merlin-Crossing Hurt/Comfort fic, so if there is anyone out there wanting to beta it, please feel free to give me a buzz. XD
Then I have a Supernatural Christmas-themed fanfic I’m writing for a friend of mine (WHO NEEDS TO GIVE ME MOAR PLOT IDEAS. COME ON KATE, I NEED SOMETHING TO WRITE ABOUT) which I have to finish before SPN starts again. So my deadline is 21st January. Oh goodie
(This leaves the problem of when I will get time to write my travel-blog about Europe, but ... I’m sure it will be fine. xD)

Side note - I have been recording my word-count for the month of December, and you know what the saddest thing is? I have written about 30,000 words on a Merlin-related subject. Yes, that’s how many words those Spazcaps equate to (the last 4 at least). I had made myself a promise to do 70,000 towards my travelling blog in Decemeber, and instead I ended up just writing about Merlin. XDDD oh self, what is wrong with your life? XDD

It should also be noted that sometime this holidays I have to go and visit my friend so we can discuss her wedding plans, and I can help her with embroidering her dress. I also have to go and see AVATAR with my brother, because I NEED THAT IN MY LIFE LIKE YESTERDAY. HOLY FUCKING SHIT, DO WANT. And after that I have to go back to his place and tidy the fucking mess fix his shithouse computer, since it’s decided to be stupid for some reason. And then there’s the New Years Eve party people are insisting I attend (ugh, do I have to?), so yea ... I’m kind of really wishing my holidays were longer, so I could get everything done that I want to finish (i.e., all my writing). And I haven’t even started on my big bitch post about the Merlin writers yet ... *sigh*

Oh well, I guess I’ll just have to avoid the television for the rest of the holidays and get cracking. XD;

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas, and I will talk again very shortly. I will hopefully reply to everyone’s comments tomorrow, since I have nothing planned except invading my brother’s old room to use his desk as an extension of my own. XD; of course, I plan to use it writing, but I will also be doing some LJ-related things too. ;)

family, home, happy happy joy joy

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