Birthday update!

Aug 04, 2009 14:39

Ok, I lie. First I have to get some Harry Potter news/thoughts out of the way.
I just watched/listened to the last International Trailer, and OMG as if my ships needed anymore fuel, I found this gem:
Draco: *atop Tower, sobbing* I have to do this!
Snape: *slowly, sadly* it’s … over.
LOL SUBTEXT SAYS WOT?! Keeping in mind that the trailer has it one after the other … *gigglesnort* BREAKUPSCENEWHYHELLO! - but then in the movie Snape says it to Harry before he leaves at the end. LOL METAPHOR Y/Y?

I’ve been watching/read a lot of anti-Twilight stuff lately. It’s hilarious, but I kind of feel disgusted with myself that I would waste my time on such a crap series. It doesn’t help that I want to cut a bitch every time I see an article comparing that shit to Harry Potter. BITCH CANNOT COMPARE! SO FUCK OFF!
It brings me to something that I find amusing though. As soon as you say a comment like the above, the Twitards flex their retard fingers and typo-type away their flames. It’s hilarious! I haven’t seen such a high case of ‘spastic’ since High School! I really don’t understand why people break out in ragespots over internet crap anyway. Don’t they realise we just do it to spite you? Dumbface!

Anyway, back to stuff that ‘matters’. Been thinking about my birthday and travelling stuff lately, since that time is bearing down on me (oh noes!). gosh I dread having to make a decision like wow. I don’t know if I’m going to be taking my laptop with me (will be decided by whether or not I go round Scandinavia by tour or not), if I should go for whole of September and then bum around London during Oct seeing Theatre while waiting for dad … or what. I really wish I had someone I could talk with about this, but no one at work knows I’m leaving soon. I JUST NEED SOMEONE TO GIVE ME ADVICE! OR MAKE DECISIONS FOR ME! That would be ideal. Money is also a huge factor, coz I still don’t have enough of it. *ugh* fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckFUCK!

But there is good news! Totally unrelated but still awesomely awesome news. HELEN IS GETTING MARRIED! AND I’M MAID OF HONOUR! [you already knew that] but guess what else? NATALIE IS GETTING MARRIED! AND I’M GOING TO BE HER MAID OF HONOUR!
*squeals* that’s so cool!! I feel so loved! Lol it freaks me out like you have no idea, because TWO childhood friends of mine are getting married before I’ve even had a proper boyfriend DX
It’s good though. Helen and I will be dress shopping (ugh! Money!) when I get back to Aus, and me and Nat are going to freak out when I’m back in Bowen. :D

Speaking of getting back … you know what I’ve realised? None of my friends really know each other. >_>; Michael kinda knows Kate, but Kate’s Lou and Mark don’t know him and vice versa. My cousin and Aunt don’t know anyone, and although I’ve invited Ka and Sena, I have doubts they will be there? Helen and Luke are coming, who are kinda known to Kate … so I guess Kate is the common friend I have between everyone? This is doing my head in but argh … it’s all such a kafuffle!

BIRTHDAY WISH LIST TIME~! Internet cookies if you spot the theme. XDD;
[Note: doesn’t matter that it’s so long. It’s more of a mental “wish list”. Whatever you guys don’t get me I’m going to buy myself! XD]

“We Are Wizards” documents + t-shirt + poster deal
“Wizrocklomentary” DVD
“Harry: A History” by Melissa Aneli (used is fine! I don’t like her so I don’t want her to get more money!)
“In Search of Harry Potter” by Steve Vander Ark
“The Lexicon: An Unauthorized Guide to Harry Potter Fiction” by Steve Vander Ark
Nerdfighters T-shirt, Hank CD
“Papertowns” and “An Abundance of Catherine’s” by John Green
HBP poster of Snape/Draco (or the full poster with all good/bad guys)
FMA Ed or Roy plushie (big so squeeze-worthy!)
”Designated Targets” and “Final Impact” by John Birmingham
Robe set (both HP and other)
Hot Topic or WB HP shirts (?)
Death Note L, Change the World: A Novel (Paperback) (!!!!)
WB Marauders Towel
Tom Felton's CD

Wizard Rock Bands' CD’s
Ministry of Magic
The Remus Lupins
Harry and the Potters
Draco and the Malfoys
The Parselmouths
The Moaning Mrytles
The Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office
The Whomping Willows
Oliver Boyd and the Remembralls
Gred & Forge
Justin Finch Fletchy and the Sugar Quills
Roonil Wazlib
The Weasel King

The Fleur Delacours
Ginny and the Heart Breakers
The Butterbeer Experience
Dobby and the House Elves
The Dudley Dursleys
Ginny and the Weasleys
Gilderoy and the Lockarts
Gryffindor Common Room Rejects
The Hermione Crookshanks Experience
Hogwarts, A History
The House of Black
The Sectumsempras
Huffle My Puffle
Mischief Managed
The Quaffle Kids
Riddle TM
Romilda Vane and the Chocolate Cauldrons

glittery sparkly shining gay, oh so awkward, marriage scares me, slash, fun and games, cancel cancel cancel, travel, harry potter, birthday, silly goose

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