
Jul 22, 2009 12:04


Ok, I was looking through my friends page at work and came across this post in newtrekslash. I was like ‘wtf?’ confused about what they were talking about, at first, and then I read the quote and ZOMG HAS HE MADE SPOCK/KIRK CANON!????!!! I was very, VERY excited (seriously, I couldn’t even suppress the gleeful squeals). After somehow managing to contain myself, I checked out the rest of the post and what they were asking and ZOMGBBQ! THAT WOULD BE SO FUCKING AWESOME!! Can you imagine if they ACTUALLY MADE SPOCK/KIRK CANON IN THE NEW STAR TREK MOVIES?! OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG THAT WOULD BE SO FUCKING FANTASTIC!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!!!!! *fangirl spazes*

I had the biggest spaz attack I think I’ve ever had (for serious), practically giving myself a heart attack with the implications (pwar, could you imagine Zachary Q getting cuddley with Chris P? *brain breaks from thoughts*). Seriously, I was about to be all like: ZOMG MUM MUM MUM GO TELL EVERYONE AT WORK TO SIGN THE PETITION EVEN IF THEY DON’T CARE ABOUT STAR TREK!! MEGAN, IF YOU DON’T SIGN YOU WON’T BE MY FAVOURITE NON-FAMLY MEMBER ANYMORE! AND GET DAVID ON THE BANDWAGON TOO - YOU KNOW HE WOULDN’T MIND! FOR ANYONE WHO READS THIS AND DISAPPROVES - I WILL DISOWN YOU. THIS IS HOW STRONGLY I FEEL ABOUT THIS.

But then I read through the comments, and they were a real downer. God damn logic and social pressures bringing my Fangirl back down to earth. I am still going to sign the petition, because I believe in the message that they are trying to send. However, there are some strong arguments for having a different male/male pairing (Kirk/Bones, for example) since Spock/Uhura had already been the established ‘relationship’. The worst part is that if they actually did have some sort of acknowledgement of Spock/Kirk in the new films, it would cause so much controversy (not that ST is a stranger to that) and the Religious would break out their fucking homophobia and it really would cause more trouble than it’s worth. Actually fitting the story around to include the relationship could be too much for the writers (I have every faith that they would do a good job, but they are only human). It is why I kind of agree with the commenter’s view of them ‘normalising’ GLBT relationships with any other pairing, because shit probably wouldn’t hit the fan and it can be almost a non-issue (like sexual orientation would be in the 23rd Century). I think McCoy would be really good for this, since I wouldn’t be surprised if he were gay after his divorce. XD;

So, if you think like me with slash eyes, I would urge you to go and sign. If you don’t particularly care either way, or don’t like Star Trek, I would still hope that you would sign it, just to help send the message. I will not however, disown you if you don’t nor will I try to beat you into submission. LOL. This is something I feel strongly about, but I can understand others arguments against the awesome that this could be, and you are perfectly entitled to your opinions.

Right now though, I’m off to find the smuttiest, sexiest, slashiest fic I can find and feed the fangasm that was born with this post. :D Oh the joys of fandom~!

ETA: I know that I’m meant to be working on my Merlin fanfiction. But in light of this news I’m sad to say FUCK MERLIN, Star Trek is more appealing at this moment. I’ll return to Merlin at some time in the near future. XD;

fangirl, slash, awesomeness

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