Maureen, my
Meade LX90-ACF 10" telescope and I were out looking at Jupiter last night. I got out there early enough that the Moon hadn't risen yet. Night before last the Moon was actually too bright to do any worthwhile observing. Last night was crystal clear and I could easily make out the bands of Jupiter along with all four of the Galilean moons. I must have mis-aligned something last night though because the scope could not find one DSO accurately. It was several degrees off finding Jupiter, but you'd have to be blind not to be able to point a scope at Jupiter on a night like last night!
I have been away from astronomy for a very long time, and missed it terribly. I am finally at the point in my life that I can afford the cool toys, and am getting back into in again. A lot has changed in the technology, but the joy of seeing the planets, nebulae, galaxies and so on never seems to fade.
I want to get into astrophotography in a much bigger way and need at least a mount for my DSLR for Maureen. More stuff to buy! I also seriously need to build/buy a dome. I am seriously looking at
SkyShed domes right now. They seem like a really good deal. Dragging the scope out, setting it up, getting all the stuff together and so on is a big pain in the ass. Fortunately we have a garden shed she lives in, so I don't have to wait around for the optics to become acclimated.
Any tips, hints or suggestions are always welcome!