We apparently have mice. My DW,
b_anderson saw one on her way out the door going to work last night. So on my way back from Reserve Duty last night I stopped by Wally-World for mice traps and peanut butter.
Lo and behold, this morning I find not one, but two mouse corpses on the floor dead from apparently not completely unnatural causes. Since the only predator in the house at night is Cosmo, it must have been him. He never eats mice, preferring feta cheese, olives, ravioli and a nice absinthe, but has been known to kill them.
(Note: "not completely unnatural": Trauma from being the victim of attack from a fierce black cat in the wee small hours of the morning naturally leads to death for small mousies.)
Anyway, Cosmo is getting up there in years.
soldiergrrrl may remember him as the kitten who traumatized her with his curiosity the last time she visited us in SC. He's getting close to ten years old and is on joint meds because he can no longer jump up on things like he used to. So he got an extra helping of yogurt this morning. Go Cosmo!