Our dd,
jrprongs is back home! At least for a little while. We just got back from South Carolina and her AIT graduation this morning. The graduation ceremony was pretty cool, though I remember them being a lot shorter before the days of multi-media presentations.
In any event, it's good to have her home. I missed my kid while I was away. I know she'll be off to Korea soon, but for now, I get the opportunity to get to know my daughter all over again. The change in her is dramatic. She's grown a lot and I think we are seeing a new phase to our relationship, and I like what I see. She has finally taken charge of her life and is doing something real. She's proud, strong and fit. I can see it in her.
By the way, part of the graduation ceremony consisted of this Army recruiting commercial. Now I am not wild about the "Army Strong" slogan, though it still beats the hell out of the mercifully short-lived "Army of One". Anyway, if you are not familiar with this video, here it is. If it doesn't stir something in you - well - if you don't get it, you don't get it.
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