How am I?

Mar 15, 2010 16:59

"How are you?"

I get asked this question a lot. So do we all, I'm sure.

What I'd like the honest answer to be:
  • Happy
  • Energised
  • Fulfilled
  • Enthused by the possibilities of life
  • Inspired by ideas both at work and elsewhere
  • Enjoying doing the things that make life worthwhile
  • Looking forward to the next exciting event in my life

What I wish the honest answer to this question wasn't (more often than not, these days):
  • Tired
  • Stressed
  • Feeling overworked
  • Depressed
  • Guilty over how much I haven't done
  • Worried about how much I have to do
  • Crushed by the hopelessness of it all
  • Dreading each new day because it marks another day's worth of work to do and the passing of another day when I won't have done enough

What I actually say:
  • Fine thanks.

So, how about you, f-list? How are you?

work, whingewhinge, life, stuff

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