(no subject)

May 26, 2007 18:41

I left my window open yesterday afternoon when I left work and now my office is freezing :( because yesterday it was warm and sunny, and today it is not. *huddles with pot of tea*

Burli Singers concert yesterday went pretty well - I'll be interested to hear how the recording came out! Piked on going out afterwards though, instead went home with Lee and had soup and pizza and vegetables-with-gravy and watched a Spock's Beard DVD.

Today has involved sleeping in, lazing around in bed, a good hour of roller-shoeing in the basement of the Renold Building (which is just like a roller-skating rink only without the hordes of small children to get in the way), spicy tomato soup and toasted sandwiches for breakfast, and now a rather lacklustre attempt to do some work before going down to the Burli bar at 7:30. After a fairly full-on few days of work I feel like my brain is still regrouping: I know there are things waiting for me to do, I know what they are, but I can't quite bring myself to face plunging into them right now. Tomorrow we are going to play badminton with Lee's family (o_O they are all quite sporty, whereas I am terminally uncoordinated) and then to Sheffield for a concert, so I suspect that will be a write-off work-wise. Thankfully it is another long weekend, so I should have time on Monday to get myself organised for the week ahead!

work, choir, aykrc, life, music, random

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