Family Woes.

Jul 18, 2005 19:28

I'm feeling an intense dislike for my family at this very moment. My sister especially. She's called into work sick and has somehow just found the energy to bitch and shout at me because I refused to make her a cup of tea. Somehow, I'm a terrible person and lazy because I didn't want to make her something after she'd yelled at me. Whoa... then I guess I have to be! Oh well, no loss.

I'm on an icon making kick! In the last... two hours I've made 4 that I'm kinda happy with! I'm gonna play around a little more and finally post the little buggers! I've been meaning to do that for a little while now, so I should get around to it sometime today.

I've debating whether or not to change my User Info. It looks a little... okay, I wanna say "childish". But I'm not sure if that's the right word or not. No matter, I'll see what I feel up to later on!!

I also need to work on my profile for Shuichi!! A full, real profile. Updated and complete, history as well as personality, quirks everything! Hmm... it's actually a lot harder than I thought it'd be, but I'm getting there. I'm gonna start on Appearance soon. That should be fun! How to describe Shuichi Tama. *laughs* A pain in the ass should about cover it. Really, I should do this for Loki and Jez as well, two other characters of mine. In the last year they've grown a whole lot, their profile's need to be updated to reflect that!

Gah, and my brother is pushing his luck, seriously!
Okay, so he has a baby on the way, big whoo.... but he's screwing my mum over in the process and it's just not on! I mean, he and his girlfriend both make money, more than enough to keep their house and go out damn near every night. So... what do they do? They make a list of what the baby's gonna need, they split it in two, and make my mum and dad buy half and her mum and dad by half... and in between my brother has the balls to ask my mum all the time for money!!!

I wouldn't mind, but the last time... he asked her only minuets after telling her she couldn't meet with this girls (Sharon I think her name is) parents... people they where taking out to dinner. THEY DIDN'T EVEN INVITE MY MUM TO THE DINNER!! Much less invite her on her own to dinner. Gods... they're screwing her out of spending time with them AND her money... and she just smiles and laughs it off. And I know, I KNOW... that it annoys her, but she still does it. I know she knows it's wrong what they're doing, but if she keeps letting him walk all over her then they're gonna keep doing it. With a kid on the way, you'd think they'd be saving money rather than going out drinking everynight and borrowing off my mum the next morning.

We're also convinced that it's the girls fault. She's got my brother wrapped around her little finger. He doesn't come and visit here any more, always cancels when they DO arrange something... She's even told him to tell my sister she's not welcome at their place! Gods... it's insane! And they wonder why I don't give a shit about this baby. When it's older, I'll give a shit... but all this nonsense totally turns me off the idea of getting involved.

Okay okay... so I'll stop it now and get back to my icons!! And my cup of tea!

stupid brothers, family, kids, icons

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