So these apparently are "
tactical pants" not nearly as exciting as the possibilities inherent in that phrase, no?
In a TOTALLY UNRELATED note - LJ has apparently eaten the post where I gave you guys a detailed break down of my current job and the options for advancement (previous notes on the job are
here). I don't have the energy at the moment to type it all out again, but suffice it to say that there are some elements I rather like (training, answering questions from the business, working through problems on the fly) and others I'm not so keen on (email reviews, document retrieval & bundling), but I've got a really interesting combination of objectives for the year that will involve me doing more of what I enjoy and less of what I don't, plus a chance to explore a new genre of financial instruments. The "new" head of department is pretty cool - has her moments of failure to fully delegate, but on the whole her awesomeness far outweighs her less desirable leadership traits. There is also a mutiny brewing that I am staying as far way from as I possibly can.
So that's my current job in a nutshell. Anything you lot are particularly keen to know?