Working & Life

Jul 01, 2010 18:26

Finishing up the first week of the new job - the job itself turned out to be quite a bit different than what was pitched to me, but the work, ultimately, is easy, the people are laid back and they use macs in the office. Not too shabby in the end, and will tide me over until I find something better/law related.

My old company still hasn't come back to me, yet, despite the occasional email from the department head saying he's working on it. Glad I'm not holding my breath or turning down other work.

All else being equal, our social life has pretty much revolved around World Cup matches - spending time in the pub with people. I'm slowly working my way through the pictures from R's sister's wedding, and then it will be on to the Paris pictures! I honestly can't remember the last time we were in a theatre, but hopefully with R starting his new (higher paying!) job (see his LJ for details) and me finally having a paycheck that will change soon.

We're still working our way through the British Museum and the History of the World podcast, which is good fun. We also had another lovely members evening there two weeks ago - the lecture we picked turned out to be more interesting in theory than delivery (the human body & greek art), but I did see a creative retelling of the Persephone myth, which was really good fun. Dinner, as usual, was wonderful; it's quickly becoming one of our new favourite restaurants.

Life, it is ticking along, though with the start of July, I'm firmly expecting the universe to start playing silly buggers with all my plans. . .

life, musings, update, job

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