May 11, 2009 21:47
I took my constitutional law exam this morning, and think it went pretty well. I'm amazed at just how little law there was on this course in general, it was really mostly politics, which is fine I suppose, except that it's on a law degree. . .
anyway, the exam went well and I passed for sure; I won't know by how much until July when the results come out. Next exam is Legal Methods which is a week from Wednesday. Unlike constitutional, I already have the exam question and we are allowed to take in an answer plan with citations to use. That means they grade it harder, of course, but at least I know what I'm getting myself into. =)
We're not going to talk about yesterday.
So, another 8 days and then I'm done with year 1 and can play the rest of the summer away. In the meantime, probably not much beyond twitter.
Back into the books I go!
further education,