Dec 29, 2008 18:53
As I think everyone figured out by now, my mom, brother and brother's girlfriend came for a week. We did Christmas Eve and Christmas Day at ours, but otherwise, London was our oyster. They had a great time and we managed to eat a different cuisine pretty much every day they were here. Not really too much to say else. . .
There weren't too many gifts on the day (just as we like it, and family obeyed instructions for this mostly), but the definite highlight came from the love of my life - an ipod touch! I had pretty much nixed the iphone as way too expensive, but the touch strikes the right balance. How much must he love me to buy me apple products! Though, I think we almost had him converted by being able to watch Wallace and Grommit in bed with it. . .until the stream had a hiccup and crashed quicktime. Oh well.
So the next week and a half is going to be paper writing insanity. Yoga tonight to help counter some of that, but otherwise, I won't be online too much, unless it is via the fab new city wide wifi network while at work. heh heh heh. That's more than a little slick. And here the man thought he could curb my social life! The touch saves the day!
Speaking of yoga, I've decided to do a modified version of WoYoPracMo - try for one 15 min self practice (basic starting point courtesy of Miss Ish!) mid week and one 30-45 min practice on Saturday in addition to my Monday night class. I've even ordered the David Swenson short forms dvd - I have it on VHS back in the states, but the DVD version will be much more useful in this digital age.
and now off I go to my class. ciao all!