Oct 19, 2008 13:34

Yeah yeah, I'm actually using my live journal.

(Dr. Who reference)

Heh, When visiting Sarah in Nova Scotia, she got Amanda and myself into Dr. Who. I never heard of the show until then, but I did see really wierd action figures in the Comic store in Nanaimo, and I was like WTF is a Dalek? I'd have to say that the Daleks are my fav characters, other then the doctor.


I threw in a resume at the guitar store, so hopefully I get a job there. I'm also looking into other jobs. I was thinking of doing the Rig security thing in Fort Mac, as it pays really well, however I'm not sure if going to a location where I would be working for the last line of defense. The nearest cop shop is two hours away, and lets face it. Rig people are kinda scary. So not sure if I'm cut out for that line of work, but still a possibility.
I'm also kinda looking in this Sea-Span company, where I would be a deck hand on a tug-boat. It pays well, but I would be away for about two weeks at a time. I think that would be an awesome job though, as I love boats. So we'll see where that leads...

If I got a decent job that payed well, I could pay off my loans, and purchase a computer that will be epic enough to play games like Bioshock, Spore, The Sims 3 and anything else thats coming out in the future.

For Halloween, I think I'll attempt being Snake from MGS. I went to the surplus store and bout a jumpsuit, and combat knife. With some of the other gear I have, I might be able to make it work. I'll upload pictures if it turns out^^

Has anyone here played Dead Space? Its pretty cool. My bro got it for PS3, and I was hooked. If you haven't, go rent it. Like now...Stop reading and go rent it...NOW!
Heh, jk

I'll hopefully be attending Howloween in Surrey this year. I'm really looking forward to it, as quite a few people from FurBQ will be there. I'm also in the early stages in planning to go to Anthrocon next year. Matt, if your interested, you should totaly come, as it would be excellent and fun :3

Um, so everything else thats new?
I beat MGS4, Made a chick character on Saints Row 2 (Who's totaly punky and awesome), Visited Nova Scotia, rented some movies, ate some food, tried greek food for the first time, it was good, played some guitar and did some other random things

Alright, so I updated, and I will try to remember to update more often this time, but no promises, as I forget things easily, because I am an r-tard. o_0

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