Damn, I really need to update this more often...

Feb 09, 2008 03:25

Well LJ, lots of shit has gone down since we last spoke...Well not really a lot of stuff, but just some major things, like...moving out of my house, for one...
Me and my father had gotten into a silly argument over something that really didn't concern him, and he made a coment that was exactly this "This isn't working, find a new place to live" And that night, I moved out. I am now residing at my friend, Amanda's house (In a room in the basement, its quite nice) and I must say, I think I'm taking it rather well. I've always told myself that when I move out, it will be for good. None of that Move out, move back in three months down the road bullshit. So I am working on paying off my Jeep, and getting ready for college. Now, just to put everyone at ease, I am ok, and doing well, so please do not worry :3.

I've got this really sweet game demo from Matt...Its pretty awesome. Its called "Penumbra". Thanks Matt. Dude, you've gotta get your butt out here for a visit man, you'd like it out here. I'm hoping I'll be able to make it up to GP this summer...I'm still waiting to hear from that security job, but If I get it, I'll be able to come up in the summer. :)

Sarah, I got your IM today, the one about our friendship, and I was really touched with what you said. Even the "cheeseboy" comment hehe. I feel the same way about our friendship, I just hate to see you so down all the time. One day soon, things will get better, so keep your chin up kidd^^. I'll call you in the next couple of days, its always good to hear a friendly voice on the phone. Are you still coming out during your spring break? If so, I'll let my mom know, and we can do a turkey dinner. If not, like I said to Matt, Hopefully I'll be up to visit during the summer.

I made a logo with this logo maker thing, so I'm going to paste it here, so I can save it, I hope it works ^^, otherwise I'll have to pay for it ^^;

Hope every one else is doing great, wishing everyone all the best

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