I feel like my life right now is me stressing out over real life things, in between saying "Oh, SURVIVOR" on an endless loop. That is likely because it pretty much IS me saying "Oh, SURVIVOR" on an endless loop. I am ridiculously overinvested in the Mariano Crime Syndicate, and pretty freaking bitter that there aren't really spoilers out this season. I JUST WANT ROB TO MAKE IT TO THE END, OKAY? THAT'S ALL I WANT :(
(I have started doing Crazy Person Speculation, which is much better done on other Survivor boards than in my head, because
I was like AHA! Amber did not know about Murlonio until the episode aired, CLEARLY HE IS GONE BEFORE THE FAMILY VISIT :( which means he does not make the final five." But then I realized that (A) he probably didn't spend the family visit saying "Hi Ambuh. I named the tribe after your stuffed animal," especially when the rest of the tribe was there to hear it, and (B) she is taking care of their TODDLER and their TINY BABY, which means that probably it is more likely that his brother would come on the family visit anyway, just like he did in All-Stars-- although, admittedly, Amber couldn't come then, (A) because she was playing the game and on the island with him already and (B) because they were not even engaged, much less married, much less married for several years with two kids, two seasons of TAR, a combined six seasons of Survivor, and their own real-life poker reality show. Like I said, I am trying to do Crazy Person Speculation, but I am TERRIBLE at it.)
Also, is it just me or has this season been overflowing with inappropriate sexual metaphors? I think the editors are just as bored as Rob is, which is great, because that's where the magic happens.
Oh, SURVIVOR. ♥__________♥
But that is not actually my main purpose for this post! My main purpose is this: is anyone else in the NYC area planning to go to the
Paley Center event on TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD? It's on May 18, and
I know a bunch of you love it. I'm planning to order my tickets as soon as I can find my Paley Center membership, which is buried in my room. (I need to be Cleaning All The Things in preparation for Pesach, which seems like a great way to hopefully find that.)
Also, is anything interesting happening this weekend? I was planning to make it my Weekend Away from Responsibilities and Plans, but before I do that I'd love to know if something awesome is happening, so that I can reschedule my slacking off for later.
Cross-posted at
http://fox1013.dreamwidth.org/49989.html. Comment wherever you feel more comfortable.