Jan 03, 2008 18:37
My internet connection is going in and out constantly, and my apartment is freezing.
So, if I keep ducking out in the middle of conversations? I like you. My internet connection does not.
And now that that's out of the way, question:
Can y'all recommend to me some good healthy snacks?
By "healthy" I do not mean "will cause weight loss", but rather "will make me feel less disgusting". Basically, I am okay with fruits (I have four or five different types of fruit a day, three of them in a smoothe), and I have salad every day, plus a protein bar. I'm solid in the carbs family, and I'm fine with candy, too. (Hee.) Basically, I am having issues with food that's at all greasy; no matter how much I enjoy it at the time, it makes my skin feel gross, and also makes me feel mildly nauseated. And, of course, most meals end up seeming kind of greasy when you're getting ultrasensitive to it. So I need snacks that are light and non-greasy but filling.
I have no allergies, except to wool, which honestly? If you're telling me to eat something containing wool, we have issues beyond allergies. I am a recovering picky eater; I used to be incredibly picky, and now I am willing to try a lot more. I keep kosher...ish (by which I mean, I won't eat bacon, but I won't refuse pasta with meat sauce covered in cheese). Foods which either don't need to be prepared or can be microwaved are ideal.
Yes, I realize that most foods that are both good and healthy have to be made. But I can't, so.
I don't care if these foods are ACTUALLY healthy, incidentally; something with lots of butter in it, for example, is fine as long as it's not also the texture of butter. Which probably doesn't make sense, but. That is why I ask all of you!
I just want more stuff I can eat.
(Seriously, you guys. Yesterday I had salad and M&Ms for dinner. SOMETHING MUST BE DONE.)
I am going to try to get my first batch of holiday cards out this year. Probably the Chanukah ones first. They're only, like, a month late. For me that is amazing.
snappy answers to stupid questions