as free as the wind and hopefully learning

Jun 26, 2008 00:39

what adam and i cooked tonight
1. GR's (by way of adam's fam's half pig in the deep freeze) porkchops, seared in butter and olive oil and cooked through
2. sauce made of pan drippings, white wine, mushrooms, onion, fresh sage and rosemary
3. pattypan squash sauteed with onion and tomato, topped with parm and fresh basil
4. baked sweet potato fries with thyme
5. for dipping, homemade mayonnaise (BRIGHT YELLOW because we used yolks from free range grass fed hens from near my parent's house) with chili powder, lime juice, garlic powder

we were going to cook the tongue. then realized it would take 3 hours.

the tentative rest of my life, edit 1,000,000
1. finish this summer
2. go to norway
3. last semester at TU
4. fool around for a few months until ashley's wedding
5. maybe au pair for an austrian family that lives in a castle??
6. come back
7. work for a newspaper???
8. regroup

or, nix 7, go to grad school, work in county extension
or, nix 7, something else...

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