(no subject)

Sep 16, 2008 04:45

I like these nights the most. When the air is cold and chills everything and I am the sole endower of heat, adulterating the harsh coolness of the pillows. It's just me and my trusty keyboard, ensconced in a cold world, a cold morning, blanketed with abstracted desire.

I like how the breeze makes my hair cold. I like how the breeze drowns the music, this one song that is playing over and over again. It brings this cold that permeates everything. I breathe it in.

I don't know what to make of life. I am here, breathing in cool air like it has never been breathed before, like the spirit that leaves the windshields frosted in its wake. Time has melted and shattered and I stand on the edge of this floe, with so few choices, just waiting. I will get better at twiddling my thumbs.

Anyways, what I mean to say is that I won a PS3 at PAX and I have been playing Tales of Vesperia nonstop for the past two weeks. I miss Vera and wish that Ruu thought more of me. I don't want to play any other video games. I just want to whisper the words to this song in the dark, as if to be heard is to be loved. "...As if the words knew I'd need them again, but at the time I couldn't see it."
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